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I hope it has an ingame IM and Fourm mutch like Tribes 2 These are Musts if it is to have good clan support, its either this or have support on the zone.

I am one that dosn't like gamespy3d or arcade (arcade really sux now that they have incorparated FULL SCREEN ADS!)

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Forums in Tribes 2 are useless, just newbie spam.


Chat is...well..chat, only thing that could make it better really is vchat :D.


News is good I guess.


I like the idea of choosing your skin/voice before joining a game, it makes it so much easier.


E-mail is nice....but regular e-mail is just as good, an IM feature would be better.


Ah...Browser...the real shining relic of Tribes 2. I think it is a 100% absolute must in JK2, but I guess that is up to Lucasarts if they want to run a central server like that or not (rather costly I'd say).

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Originally posted by Kwup:

<STRONG>I sure as hell hope it isn't on the zone, if it is, well there goes another great game :mad:</STRONG>




in a matter of fact... i'm pretty sure that JK2 as a Q3A engined product will have dedicated/listen servers as a method of playing online rather than joining the ZONE for its hosting for the game.... either way... having the zone as kind of a WON-a-like wouldnt hurt.

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Well... I have had some really good experence with the Zone. Yes, You can only have 4 ppl in a game enless you use IP. Allso, Ever sence ZF its just got worce(lag). With JK you cant use severs...Not the Zone's falt. Allso im glad that there are sysops to keep the BS down. I have had some really good times online because of the Zone. Who would have played JK more than 4mon if not for the Zone or had as many friends? We all would like to have servers. And looks like we will get them ... grate! Im all for it. But the Zone was a grate place to have with the game. I will miss having it in JKO.

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Guest ZeroXcape

If it is in any way, shape, or form related to the zone... ugh. At least we know it won't be.


Red_XIIII: The Tribes 2 feaures are really just a waste. Clans surive with or without ingame communication features. In fact, most clans are stronger when they have their own sites, meeting times, practices, newsgroups, etc that are outside of the game. It makes for a more well-rounded clan member.

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I could care less as to whether or not JKII will be playable over the Zone. I just know that I won't be playing there, and anyone else who has had experience with modern-day games, probably won't either. If you want to chat, head to mIRC or Gamespy Arcade. The Zone is about the worst place to play games online, period. I wouldn't play JK there, if the entire Gamespy Arcade JK community weren't so newbish(they all think I use cogs).


I will be chatting in #JediKnight on mIRC - irc.enterthegame.com and playing on private servers and Gamespy.

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Anyone hear play the IP games from the JKMAG page? It was the only outher place than the Zone I played. Im up for a new way for sure...But y all the hostility for the Zone? It is free. The only game iv played were you really get to konw the outher ppl playing. I have played CS for a long time and I have never got to know anyone well. Thats what ill miss. Not the Zone. It's just a page on the net, No bigy. This game is going to be HUGE! Having somthing to bring it all (players,clans,mods,mapers) togeather would be nice. Maby we could (all of us) Come up with somthing new . An idea that has not found its way into a game yet. Somthing to set JKO one up on the rest. With the 300 diferent news pages and 12,000 servers.


[ June 04, 2001: Message edited by: Caradoc ]

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Look at jediknight. Every time I go on the zone *cringe* I see pretty much most of the people in clans. Heck, I still use my old clan's tag.


I think people want to enjoy star wars as a group of people with a common love for lucas's creations. We know we can all relate to eachother.


With quake 3, you just get a bunch of people jump on a server and blow eachother to bits. No deeper meaning to quake 3. Just a deathmatch.


Star wars is so much more than that. It has stories, adventures, and a fighting style other than the standard 'point and shoot'. It has saber fighting. :D


My old clan mates and I, we had HEAPS of fun. Even though we didnt play many team games, just uniting under 1 name and getting to know these guys who liked whacking people with fuzzy light sticks as much as you was a real experience.


I think clans will be a rather large part of jk2 online.



Thats just my view anyway :)

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If you think the zone is good, you are DEAD wrong!


Sysops - Well, in real games we have bots. They are automated programs that will kick people who refuse and abuse the rules. G from UT and Shazbot from Tribes 2 are perfect examples.


4 Players- ever play JK with 16 players? It OWNS! by having only 4 allowable players the zone is proving it's own stupidity. :rolleyes:


Dedicated servers are SOO much better, anyone who hasn't used them are missing out. Lag is sparse, many people can play, and admins can change almost anything in the game, including kicking and BANNING people.

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Just a question, but do we really expect clans for JKII. They're rare enough in Q3, you expect them in an even more single-played biased game?


You can expect clans to be in any online multiplayer game. Clans rare in Q3? There are hundreds, if not thousands of Q3 clans. There are already tons of JK clans planning to expand to JKII. Mine is one of them.


But y all the hostility for the Zone?


I can't speak for everyone, but personally I seriously dislike the Zone. Sure, you have a chatroom where you can chat amongst other players, but you can find that on mIRC, Gamespy Arcade or just about any other program in the world. I've been banned multiple times for doing nothing other than posting links. The day Gamespy Arcade came out, I was banned from the Zone for a week for just posting a link to it(The Gamespy Arcade programmers found this to be hilarious BTW, when I told them about it - One of them decided to come post the link with me when my ban was over). Same thing happened back in 1999 when I posted a link to QTracker. I was muted a few days ago for helping a newbie, by giving him a link to Spork. I think that people are capable of doing/saying whatever they want, and if the Zone would simply make a better "chat-filter" we wouldn't have to see kiddies on a power-trip banning us every 5 seconds. I don't know what it is about the people who run the Zone, and their ethics, but I don't want someone who doesn't even know me, banning me for no logical reason and telling me what I can and can't say. I live in the USA, not China for crying out loud.


With quake 3, you just get a bunch of people jump on a server and blow eachother to bits. No deeper meaning to quake 3. Just a deathmatch.


I resent that. :)


My clan(NDS), started off as a Q2 CTF clan back in 1998 and we were about as deep as it gets. You don't need a deep SP storyline to have a good MP game. Alot of the people that play games could care less about the storyline anyways. You blow eachother to bits in every FPS game, it's what we play for. A clan is as deep as you make it. A game is just the terrain in which your clan does battle. The Quake series is a very hardcore game, and as far as teamplay goes, it's far superior to JK/MotS, as are most games of today. I just hope that JKII will have teamplay that is even half as good.


if people would'nt want to use the zone... just play the bots, which is a feature for the Q3A engine.


You can rest assured that the Zone won't be the only place to play JKII. At least, and I think I can speak for 99% of us, we hope not.

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screw that of course zone is a piece of ****, and I've played every new game out today, and I hate every single one of their multiplayer communities. I currently play t2 and I love it, pubbing is alright, but kickin it on the zone, talkin ****, then takin to the game, kicking ass, come out, and talking even MORE **** was what made mots/JK so much fun. the idea of it NOT being hosted by zone is very lame. if people want quake bull**** let them go play quake on gay "servers" using gay programs like gamespy or whatever.

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the zone sux ingame server searches sux like in quake gamespy arcade and 3d sux, yes they all sux, even the nice ingame Tribes2 one sux, they all have flaws but if i was force bewteen what ones to use for my game i was going to release it would be a combo of in gameserver and zone + also arcade support the zone is a great place for community arcade is just faster at refreshing servers and also has an IM and ingame for after u finshed a SP lvl and just want to find a quick game without going back to the desktop, alto of current games support all three, its a good concept.

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