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MP? Pfashah! I worry about... THE PLOT


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Yeah, yeah, I know that MP was a major factor in making JK the game it was and what and artform some people have made it and so forth... but I don't care. One of my main concerns for JO (besides the fact that the initials aren't right next to each other on the keyboard) is how good the story will be.


I mean, let's look at the stories of the various games released so far:


Dark Forces I: Empire workin on evil project, and story is told mostly through the briefings and cutscenes. Plot driven by: Kyle, Jan, Crix, Mohc, Jabba, and Vader (Mon Mothma And Fett don't actually do much). Clues led to deductions which led to new missions of varying locations and objectives.


Dark Forces II - Jedi Knight: Evil Dark Jedi wants really powerful thing; has help. Plot dirven by: Kyle, Jan, 8t88, Jerec and sorta Yun. First half of the game was chasing 8t88 around, second half was the Valley of the Jedi. Story had added emotional elements (Kyle and father and revenge and so forth).


Mysteries of the Sith: Kyle defends against generic Imperial attack, then Mara does random stuff until time to go and hack her way to a pacifistic meeting with Kyle. Plot Driven by: Kyle, Mara. What plot? It was an expansion pack. PLEASE IGNORE.


And now, we have Jedi Outcast. From what I've heard the plot involves a new Dark Jedi who is putting together a force... gathering... machine...



. . .





Now really, all things considered, that's a pretty silly idea. For one thing, how can a machine, a non-living lump of plastic and metal, have any relation to the Force? Secondly, why hasn't this been done before? And why isn't someone who matters concerned, instead of our Force-fearing Mercenary buddy, Kyle?


Jedi Knight had a pretty similiar plot, admittedly, but it had the added angle of having to choose between light and dark (which JO may or may not have), as well as the whole emotional-kinda "Jerec killed Kyle's father, and Kyle is unamused" thing. I'm sure people at Raven aren't stupid, and even if they went with this plot, the rest of the story could still be fantabulous, but even a really good episode of GIJoe is still a kiddy show.


Now, I hope this story is just an unfounded rumor, but if not... if that really is the main problem that has to be dealt with in JO... well, at least there's still MP, right?



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Are you guys serious? OH well, I guess they could make it work.


On the other hand, I don't care if this force gathering mechine is being designed to power an army of pink evil dark jedi bunny rabbits from the outer rim.


MP is the most important to myself and many others.

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The plot of Jedi Outcast is a major concern for me too.


Although I agree that MP is important, and should be well supported, I do not personally consider it as important as the SP experience.


I read a recent article (at GameSpy or somewhere, I think) which sort of analysed Half-Life Gamers. Apparently over 2 million copies of HL have been sold, but the average number of players online for that game is around 65,000 - and they are mostly playing Counter-Strike. I think they worked it out to around 3 per cent MP users - although I would argue it's higher, based on the fact that you won't get the same 65,000 players every day. So for argument's sake, let's say it's 10 per cent.


10 per cent MP to 90 per cent SP?


I think that's a pretty good argument for focusing a great deal more time and effort on giving any game the best possible SP experience.


So in those terms, I hope they come up with a realistic and appropriate storyline for Jedi Outcast.


Personally, I also don't like the idea of a Force-gathering machine. However, how long can they continue to produce stories about good Jedi versus bad Jedi? The saber battles may be exciting while they last, but relying on the same plot device could become over-used.


Raven/LEC have the difficulty of striving to find something new and refreshing to engage our interest as gamers, and not simply serve up JK with bells and whistles attached.


If Jedi Outcast has a strong, relevant story and some characters with real depth, then I will enjoy playing it.


If it comes with some decent bot support and a Jedi Arena MP mode, then all the better. ;)

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I'm glad i'm not the only one who wants a darn good plot! It makes the SP expierience that much better for me when i can get into the character story. It was one of JK's best features when it first came out. The acting wasn't that great but it was a new Star Wars movie!(or close enough for me)I especially liked when the cutscene ended and the game started you in the same situation. :)

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LOL, loved your post pax, especially the part about G.I. Joe. lol... anyways, let me throw in my agreement that the whole "force gathering machine" is a downright silly idea. And why does Kyle get involved? wouldn't luke or someone just take care of. If Kyle's afraid of falling to the darkside, he needs to have a darn good reason to become a Jedi again.


Let me say to anyone who is listening **cough** (raven) **cough** that I'll be sorely dissapointed if the plot of this game resembles any episode of G.I. Joe. **cough** (force collecting machines are a silly idea) **cough**


sorry, gotta take care of that cold.


anyway, if you're interested in storyline ideas, check out the "Kyle & Jan" post about a page back. we were kicking around some ideas somewhere in that thread. I came up with one that I'm rather fond of revolving around Saris and Kyle's kid :D

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Hey, glad to see there are other people interesting in the continuing adventures of Kyle Katarn. (And sorry Torment, But the Max cameo in JK is the only bunny I need to see in a Jedi game, though that one was damn cool).


Now that I've thought about it, I don't even see why there needs to be the added threat of some mystical widget (Valley of the Jedi, Force garnering machine). Isn't the threat of a large group of Dark Jedi bad enough?


Anyway, way I sees it, what they should do is introduce a new Force Disipline. We already know that there are people who use the Force in ways other than the Jedi way (Arden Lyn's people, White Current, the Force Adepts in the new RPG). Thus, there should be a new group of Dark Force users... and I even got the perfect schtick for 'em too.


Jedi are all samurai like, right? So what if there was a group of Dark Force usin' ninjas! Ah! Ninjas! And that way, you could have a large group of lower ranked Ninjas for Stormtrooper-esque (okay, maybe railtrooper-esque) threats. This way, we get many chances to use the lightsaber, and a few higher ranked guys to fight later on. Still, over all, I think the best set up would be one Dark Jedi Master and one Dark Jedi apprentice, and the proper writing for keeping them both alive and annoying throughout the game. (Think like Nemesis from Resident Evil 3).


As far as plots go, there could be a whole political intrigue angle where the DJ is trying to get rid of key members of the New Republic Senate and Kyle gets to track down all the dirty dealings. Oh, and what iff.. wait, nevermind me. It's late and I'm rambling. So many good plot ideas, so little time... :p



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