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Possible JKII plot. ;) NOT Possible spoiler.

Guest JediKnight_114[b]

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

Um, by last count, you and Matt are the only ones that seemed to think it's crappy. So, maybe it isn't a bad story so much as you two have bad taste.

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Don't get me started little one. You are nothing more that an adolescent with delusions of having real talent. It's probably a safe assumption that you somehow feel that by posting your dribble on these boards, you will a job at LEC.


Sorry, not happening. You've now joined the thousands of fans bothering the hell out of LEC with your "suggestions."


I never thought I'd say this, but... Hey Vagabound you should close this stupid topic.


[ July 05, 2001: Message edited by: -WD- ToRMeNt ]

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

I have no delusions of being hired by LEC, in fact I have no desire to be either. Once again, The post was not a suggestion to LEC, or anything of that sort, just a guess about the plot to bat around with other gamers and see what they thought as well.


So, I have nothing more to say about it other than: When you have to resort to name calling and petty insults in order to achieve a retort, you have lost the flame war.


And, for once, we agree on something: Vagabond, feel free to close this thread.


On a final note, thanx for the war, Torment, you have done just about everything except live up to your name sake.


[ July 06, 2001: Message edited by: JediKnight_114 ]

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*Insert Star Wars music theme here*

<font size=7><center>FLAME WARS</font>

<font size=3>Episode II</font>

<font size=5>The Storyteller Strikes Back</font>


War rages across the fair land of jediknightii.net. After a successful attack against the vigilante JediKnight_114, matt-windu and -wd-ToRMeNt go to the Senate to appeal for help from Supreme Chancellor Vagabond to stop the war. The apparent menace of the vigilante and his "Delusions of Granduer" frighten the Galactic Community, who they believe is going to bring another Empire upon them all. During that time JediKnight_114 prepares to unleash a weapon of unimaginable destructive power, The Story Generator...</center>


[ July 06, 2001: Message edited by: Finalnight ]

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If I recall, in an e3 review, the only star wars game they didn't like was battlegrounds, which was being developed by LEC.



If your "educated guess" is even REMOTELY similar to the actual plot, I will paypal you any money I can manage. I think my money is safe.

And BTW...if you have about 30 darkjedi-monkey-things, and about 10 levels(my educated guess)and 2 are without saber, you get 3.75(an average) guys per level. Hardly enough to make a normal enemy, too many for an end battle. And besides that, if your information is factual based on info and *screenshots* that have been released, why don't we see any dark-jedi-monkey-warriors fighting...We only see people. Not monkey-dudes. :p

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

I put in the lightsaber bad guys not as the main bad guys or bosses, but sort of like the Jedi statues in MotS: Just someone different and challenging to run into. So, the usual stormtroopers would fill in as the main bad guys, with Uldric as the Final battle.


But, anyway, just forget I said or wrote anything. Anyone that takes sqeculation this seriously, and actually gets angry about the legitamacy of it needs either a new life or a new hobby.


As I keep saying, I just posted it as speculation of what the plot MIGHT be. You know, just a new topic besides the 20,000th topic about weapons. So,you two, (Matt and Torment) have kind of defeated the entire purpose of this topic. (mission accomplished huh?) with your pointless surprisingly tense flaming of it.


So, you two have made your point, I didn't really have one to make at first until you forced me to explain the tiniest details of my wording.


Here, I will even say that you won this flame war if it makes you feel bigger and even more importantly, makes you shut up. So, you won.


Now that you two have annialated this topic, what are you gonna do next? My guess: Pointlessly pick some other new, slightly interesting topic to death.


Happy Hunting


P.S., could you two have actually come up with a better plot that fits as well as mine would, or were you just bored and so decided to raid mine?


Just curious.


[ July 06, 2001: Message edited by: JediKnight_114 ]

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There were only 2 statues in MOTS, wasn't there? I'm ready to stop arguing. I must apologize. Recently 2 out of 3 computers in my house have broken down, and the 3rd's monitor had to be returned. I've read the past posts and realized all of them are pointless. I've been on edge lately.

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

Well, thanx for saying so. I was wondering why you guys were getting so mad over a simple guess, so apology accepted. And, in answer to your question, there were around ten -fifteen Sith statues in the last few levels of MotS.


So, Truce?

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*Insert Star Wars music theme here*

<font size=7><center>FLAME WARS</font>

<font size=3>Episode III</font>

<font size=5>The Return of Peace</font>


As the War reaches its peak. Jedi Knight matt-windu suprises the Galaxy by apologizing for his behavior and offering peace to Jedi Knight_114, JediKnight_114 accepts his apology and ratifies the truce. What lies next only LucasArts knows...</center>


[ July 07, 2001: Message edited by: Finalnight ]

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

Thanks for saying so. After all, that was the point of the post in the first place. However, it got a little sidetracked with the flame war.


So, any other thoughts are still welcome. ;)

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hey torment... dood... i have an idea for u... go away... All this guy is trying to do is share his ideas. that is what the boards for right? yar.. thought so, so quit being annoying and go play ur lil ff games where maybe you'll rape someone and stay off my boards. You can now only post when i give u the go ahead, if i catch you posting without my permission ur ded. You join Mafia_Jabba on the rank of HOMO. have a good day and leave the kids alone :):)

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

I think we can all agree about Torment, :rolleyes: But, lets not start yet another debate/argument on this topic that has been overused in that area already. If this discussion continues as it has potential to do, Finalnight can probably post episodes 4,5,&6 in this thread again :)


BTW snake, thanx for the defense.

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I've had my lighthearted flames with Mafia, and while I get the feeling he likes to pick contrary oppinions to mine just because (lol) I don't put him in Torment's category. Torment's just looking for trouble, Mafia is just kinda... well I don't know. but check out that kid's sig. he's weird.

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