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troopers to wimpy looking? (possible spoiler)


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First off I would to say the Screenies are nice but I have 1 problem with It is that the Storm troopers look way to big headed and wimpy.Also some of the textures are non starwars related . Although its still early to tell. I Would like to see storm troopers be somewhat hard too kill.Remember FEARED By the galaxy,stormtroopers Are !!ELITE!!! shock troops deployed in support of both ground forces and Imperial fleet.Stormtroopers are unquestionably loyal to the Empire,and their unshakeable military descipline has led to the speculation



that they might be the result of accelerated Imperial cloning experiments,although this has never Been CONFIRMED Stormtroopers are essentially Jango fett the greatest warrior in starwars History heheh.



well anyways I cant wait and thought I would post my opinion about the troopers. By the way The shot of Kyle in the front is awesome! what are your thoughts?


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Guest Thrawn

Stormies have never been tough. They weren't in the movies, so why should they be in the game? They're the flak of the Imperials :D

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I registered for this forum just so I could reply to your statement Thrawn. You are totally off. The stormtroopers are some of the strongest, most feared forces in the galaxy. They bring fear to everyone. The ONLY reason why they looked so weak in the movies was because of one good reason. Han, Luke, Leia, Chewbacca, Lando, all of them are heroes. They are the people that we look at and go "wow, they're good!" They only killed stormtrooper after stormtrooper was because they were the best in the galaxy. Why focus 3 movies on them if they suck?

Also, the stormtroopers were cloned off of the mind of Jango Fett, who is supposedly even more powerful than his son, Boba Fett.



So, stormtroopers actually are very good shooters, it's just that the movies focused on the best in the galaxy.

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Guest Boba Rhett

Oh yeah... and those walking teddy bears, known as ewoks are pretty fierce. That's why they kicked the troopers arses. :rolleyes: The troopers are only feared because there is so many of them and they have a never ending supply of firepower. Everyone here is also forgeting to put spoiler alerts in front of ep II news.







They aren't true blue clones of Jango. They are very "low quality" clones. Boba Fett was a "high quality" clone.


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I have to agree with Thrawn. Stormtroopers are just normal grunt troopers and they always get canned. They may be really good, who knows, but the fact is that in JKII, and for a lot of SW games, you need a normal stupid enemy to put all around, and stick in every corner. If stormtroopers where half as good as there made out to be we would get the crap kicked out of us in the game :) . So unless they find an enemy more common then the Stormtrooper, there gonna be the morons who can't shoot worth beans and get pushed off buildings. :cool:

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Everyone is right one way or the other if they are gonna be supid then there should be an option of difficult settings in jk2 like in doom or q2 when you pick the hardest setting ememies keep comming. One disappointment I have with lucas Arts gsmes is that there is never enuff enemies to kill So I want hundreds of stupid troopers to slice in half. By the way: SPOILEr

In Ep3 everyone will change thier minds about how they see starwars the trilogy is over now see what the dakside is really capable of. Your not gonna seeee some ghey ewoks killing troopers :D Dam them! null



[ June 04, 2001: Message edited by: Armand ]

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Well, that's why ROTJ had some bad qualities. I can't explain why stupid ewoks (I dispise all ewoks. May they rot in hell) were able to kill stormtroopers. Maybe it was a symbol to show that the empire was nearing its end.




I also agree that they are lower end clones of Jango, but never the less. They are still very good. If a whole cantina full of a guys like doctor evazon stands still as stormtroopers walk by you know they have to be something special.


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Why do people keep saing the stormtroopers look bad? Ok, they do look short and fat, but considering this level was finished in a month for E3 it aint soooo bad! :) Look how long they've got to improve the game and take note of our comments. And anyway, at least its RAVEN. I could totally trust them with any game! :D

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Ki-Adi-Mundi...in the chat log Haden Blackman said JKII was set around 14 years post-ANH...which would be about 10 years after ROTJ.


As for all Stormtroopers just being clones and cannon fodder, you are forgetting one small point. Kyle Katarn was once a Stormtrooper (according to the books). Other people have also been Stormtroopers in the EU. Therefore, they are not all simply clones.


Personally, I think the Stormtroopers should be tougher than we have seen in the previous games. They are supposed to be elite troops, and I would at least expect them to find cover when under fire.


Also, as someone else said elsewhere, they should adjust the intelligence and toughness of every enemy based on the difficulty setting. On HARD, the enemies should be tougher, and really exhibit some intelligence, like keeping you pinned down with concentrated fire while flanking you etc.


If we can't have lots of enemies on screen (as in DF, for example), then the enemies we do face should be tougher.

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I'm not saying they should be as tough as bosses...(if you are referring to the Dark Jedi, there's hardly a comparison).


However, I won't be impressed if a bunch of Stormies just line up for me to shoot down. I can't see this happening, with the new AI they should be implementing.


Maybe they could be as easy to kill...but maybe they shouldn't give you as many chances to kill them. A running target is harder to hit than one that's standing still. A Stormie behind cover who is firing at you will be harder to hit. And maybe some of them could hit the deck while returning fire, or do a sideways roll...anything to make them more challenging than simply line up in your sights and fire.


If the SP game is not going to be as long as JK, it has to be more challenging, IMO.

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Sure the Stormtroopers are billed as elite shock troops that are feared throughout the galaxy, but that's just Imperial hype meant to intimidate their victims. I don't recall Hussein's elite Republican Guard Troops putting up so much of a resistance to the UN troops. Stormtroopers are intimidating, but I wouldn't go so far as to say they are great individual warriors. Hell, how ya gonna fight in that outfit anyway? They're blaster bait. The biggest reason to be afraid of stormtroopers is that there are always so darn many to slash through before you're done. If they work in teams, look out.

What I'd be afraid of are the Emperor's Royal guards. Those guys are supposed to be real baddies and you know they got somethin hidden under them robes. Oh, and don't count us vicious Gonks out. You ain't seen hurt till you made one of us mad. Them corners are sharp mister.

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