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Gaming industry expansion and brisk sales is a good thing because

A. People are making $

B. Expansion leads to further acceptance of PC and Video gaming into the 'mainstream market' (that big fluffy abstraction)


Man I can't stand economists and their abstractions. ;)


Part of the '.com shakeout' was based on the reality that many publically traded .com companies didn't show a profit, and in many cases, didn't really even make a product or service. So, their stock prices collapsed as investors sold off their investments. New investments weren't forthcoming to the 'high risk tech sector.'


I suppose some of the 'downturn' could bleed over to the gaming biz, to the extent that investors are reluctant to invest in 'tech.' Although NASDAQ has had a few rallies lately :cool:


I'll wager the slowdown is temporary. Moreover, many of the bigger devcos and publishers are doing just fine financially.


How bout provide us with some actual numbers to show that the biz is doing as poorly as you claim. Check www.pcdata.com they might have sales figures.


Meanwhile, Ed, I am sorry I took us on a tangent. I know you were trying to talk about the SOF2 Tech. I suppose we can all resolve our argument online by dismembering each other with the GHOUL system.


[ June 05, 2001: Message edited by: Wilhuf ]

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Sadly the majority of data I might be able to use here is paid for...


But companies full of talent such as Rouge and Looking Glass certainly must say something about the industry. If anything, the kind of "hardcore" games many of the people on this board like aren't the ones selling best. Undying, that recent Unreal engine based horror game was critically acclaimed, yet the sales figures were terrible. Terrible enough for the entire franchise to be dropped, and the developer to go work on other, probably more mass-market, derivative and better selling games.


Sales doesn't equal profit. Developement costs are going up, games cost millions to make and what's at the top of sales charts? Deer Hunter Clone X.

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Originally posted by Wilhuf:

<STRONG>Meanwhile, Ed, I am sorry I took us on a tangent. I know you were trying to talk about the SOF2 Tech. I suppose we can all resolve our argument online by dismembering each other with the GHOUL system.



Don't apologise. As any of my school classmates would tell you, I have a habit of taking discussions off on tangents myself. ;)


As for this particular discussion, well, I don't think there's any particular need for either of us to elabourate too much further on our views about SP/MP gaming, as we both know each others' views only too well. ;)


Dismembering each other with the GHOUL 2 system sounds great though!

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Sadly (on topic), I don't expect full gore/dismemberment in JKII. Lucasarts will probably have already cut that idea from the beginning...


Anyways, it's not exactly starwars is it? Mind you that whole darth maul in half thing worked....

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Ryan Fulton, the man who shot the JK II E3 video, had this to say about gore in Outcast, in a <A HREF="http://www.jediknight.net/cgi-bin/mboard/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=29&t=000099">post</A> over on <A HREF="http://www.jediknight.net/">JK.net</A>:


<STRONG>As far as the gore is concerned, I didn't notice any limb loss as far as when attacking humans. There is a bit of blood but not gruesome amounts, so don't anticipate on having bloody footprints ala Duke Nukem when stepping over bodies. When fighting droids, I have to say that limb loss is inevitable because its not human and so they can get away with it. I also have to say that when you destroy a droid, the explosions are quite pretty. They really took their time on making these look good.</STRONG>

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