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Ok people, what do you think we should ask the President ;) about JK2?

Since the game is so early in development my question would be in what way do the developers or LEC feel that JKO will be an advancement over JK.

What are your sugestions?

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Guest digl

Thats not hard to answer

Because some of the important people involved with the previous games have left LEC, and their last games have not been as succesful as theyd wanted


We should ask if he really believes that the game will be released on schedule, and if not, when

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(dont take this ENTIRELY too seriously)

LEC as of of late:


Rebellion=sucked major


Phantom Menace=sucked alot

Force Commander=can someone say....suck?

hmm..i think ive covered everything star wars related up to now, oh yeah

Obi-Wan=had potential! hey, lets SCRAP the whole thing!

if there is anything i missed, please respond, i am sure Outcast will be alot better now that LEC has outside assistance... :)

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We should ask what type of games will the Episode II games be and how many. He definately won't talk about the games themselves and probably wouldn't answer anything about them, but it's worth a shot!



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how bout subtly asking about plans for an addon for jk2? or how long theyve been planning a sequel to jk. or about the jk2 demo. or how often they intend to release screenshots and in game movies to tantelize our tastebuds. or if he thinks the game will be ready on schedule. or which jk2 fansite he likes best *cough cough jkii.net cough* :D

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Take it easy Gonk! I was thinking more about questions that will make him say more than the expected improvements like graphics and things like that...

I wish we could actually get to know all these from so early though :) . The JK2 fansite question is a must. And for his well being...we all know what the answere has to be ;) .

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He is going to be inundated with questions, so we somehow need to phrase our questions in such a way that he gives us the info we want!


"What will make JK2 different to the ObiWan game that was cancelled for the PC last year, and how can you stop the problems ocurring again?"


That probably won't get answered but it would be nice, its a fair question.



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They can never tell if a game will be released on schedule or not.....probably not though. At the moment they probably think it will be, but something always happens along the way to slow them down. Usually we find out on the day, which is really annoying when it is delayed for six months like EF was.

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"He is going to be inundated with questions, so we somehow need to phrase our questions in such a way that he gives us the info we want!"


That's right. We have to think about questions that will sound general but in order for them to be answered he'll have to go into detail. Or at least into some detail...


Since I'm really interested about the single player game (maybe more than MP), I'd also have to ask something like:

" Lucas Arts is well known for the fact that through their games they tell a story. Will JKO be a story driven action game the way that JK was?"

And then I'll cross my fingers. Yeah, like I'll get an answere... ;)

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Any question as long as it gives us new info for our forums. its getting a bit tense around here. we could use some new info to chew on instead of each other :rolleyes:

I do want a question about a demo, though.How long b4 full versions release will it be?


[ July 08, 2001: Message edited by: skyler ]

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One question I'd like to ask is if LEC is talking about any sequels to classic original titles like Sam n Max, Full Throttle, or the Dig. All of those games are still fun to play, but many people won't play them due to the older graphics. I hope some sequels are in the works.



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