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i sense a disturbance in the forums...


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i like looking at the recent times of posts in other forums, and i saw they posted, today, at like 4am, in the restricted access forums...something is going down!!! i hope its something interesting, like they are going to release new screenshots or something, im getting anxious to see what progress theyve made since E3!

hmm...just wanted everyone else to know, i wish we could get something new :p

see ya

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well from the video's that they have shown it looks like most of the game is done. and with a raven, a team that has been working with the QIII engine for some time on a few projects already making JK:JO should be a snap. so I dont think a christmas release date is out of the question.

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I don't know what the a beta has to do with our staff forum. But like wardz said, it's all the time zones. We have people from USA, Canada and Australia. Sorry if a didn't mention any other country :D



And for the e3 video... they mentioned many times that this demo was very short because the project started just before E3. Meaning they had to rush it. However people who did see the video said the quality is excellent, but of course, lacks in the length.


[ July 08, 2001: Message edited by: TheJackal ]

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I would have to disagree there. (with joe)


The only thing we have seen is the E3 level. we have seen no ingame footage (to be included in the game), unless you know any different?


And WHEN is that sig going to be shrunk?




[ July 08, 2001: Message edited by: wardz ]

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Guest digl
I've heard that they started distributing beta copies to beta testers already..


where you heard that?Its probably BS


And about the game being almost ready, I agree with wardz

Probably the only thing ready at this moment is the story

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