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JK2 Superclan


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There's been talk of a JK2 superclan ever since JK2 was announced. There is a topic on the WD board that you (good players only) should read.


If you dont have the link, ask a WD for it on the zone. Unless we know you and you have a rep among the elites, Ill delete your post.


I know many of you (I'm talking to the good players) read the WD board, but I though I'd post here anyway.


We're talking about WD and DSbr merging into one unstoppable JK clan so we can dominate JK2 as well. WD_NiGhTMaReZ is really pushing for it, along with several others. Many of the oldschool WDs and DSbrs are returning for JK2.


I would like for those in Syk, HDK, JaG, and anyone else who is good (I mean REALLY GOOD) at JK to check out the thread on the WD board.


-=WD=- Savage/ToRMeNt


[ July 11, 2001: Message edited by: -WD- ToRMeNt ]

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HAHAHA NF Sabers HAHAHAHA. NEWS FLASH: NF sabers will be nothing like it was in JK. The lag that helped you in JK will kill you in Q3. There are so many "elite" NFers but they just have bad connectionss that lag and drop packets. That isn't gonna work in JK2.


You're forgeting about FF Jordus. WD/DSBr owns Full force guns and sabers, and WD has a stronge NF guns side. As far as NF sabs, we don't care. To many newbies play it and it's totaly dependant on your net connection. With the Q3 engine in JK2, we'll prolly have a powerfull NF sabs branch as well.


[ July 10, 2001: Message edited by: -WD- ToRMeNt ]

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Torment, in all your calculations, you seem to be ignoring the fact that: What happens if the powers don't work in the ways that you're used to. What happens if Raven recognized that JK's play probably got repetive and boring over the years and created something new. You might find that a lot of your ff skill isn't compatiable with Jk2.


If force speed and force jump become limited powers(as in can't be used all the time like it is in JK) mapping is dis-allowed and if serious splash damage weapons are removed, the FFers would have trouble. After all, much of your play becomes based on control of items. If levels become smaller due to speed relatively disapearing, it'll become more CTF Nar strategy based. What happens if raven creates a saber/force equilibrium so that neither the saber or the force dominates the play? The nf saberists(the ones that don't rely on lag tatics and have good pcs/conn) you smugly berate would become your equal. Them strong in saber use but weak in force and you strong in force but not as good as them in saber use. WD and DSbr will be good, but old Jkers returing and ppl coming in from other Q3-like games will equally be good.


I personally hope Raven can hit a equilibrium of Force + Saber so that instead of JK being devided up into NF sabs/guns FF sabs/guns, it would merely be devided up into Guns and Sabers. A new look.


If the majority of JK skills carries over, that means RAVEN just produced JK again, only this time with fancier graphics. Who wants that? If raven is reading this, please don't remake JK. Keep some of the classical aspects of the DF series, but also create something fairly orginal that requires new skills and new strategies. I've spent years on JK and no matter how nice the graphics are, I don't think I'd want to play JK version 2 for several more years.


Bottom line: JK was fun for 4 years, but that was 4 years ago. Create something new; for alot of us, its not just the graphics that turn us off from JK. The gameplay got repetitive as well.


If I were to make judgements on who would be the best in JK2 a few weeks after its release I'd have to say:

Jk2 will have lots more useful force powers as opposed to JKs only useful 8 powers(2 of which aren't even of access to you depending on what side your playing). MotS also had more useful force powers thus requiring the players to coordinate more. JKers will be less experienced at this and be behind mots ppl initially. People in JK that were strong all-arounders will be the ppl that probably grasp it quickly too. If theres no splash damage, alot of the clans with gunnersthat have 'make every shot count' aim will also be great 'cos they'll be able to hit ppl the easier. Of course, only HDK has those right now; most NF gunners now play Ji O, which was meant to be just a training level - Playing Oasis NF take packs is alot harder than this Ji O leave packs crap. You becomd profficent in weapons like stormtrooper rifles, rail use and effective saber use vs gun wielders in that sort of play. Not to mention the much larger strategy required.


Either way, it sounds that you only think that the only capable players are in DSbr or WD. You'll find that you'll end up as equals to everyone else playing unless raven fooks up and simply remakes JK with new graphics. If thats the case, you might as well save yourself 40 bucks and keep playing JK b/c u wouldn't be gettin anything new..

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Deathbolt, you're missing the idea here man. Let's say for a second that the gameplay in JK2 is very much differant from JK. Everyone starts from scratch yes? Well there are certain people who will be the ones who discover all the tricks, tactics, what works and what doesn't for JK2 (MaReZ, Shinji, Luke18...). Most likely, these people will be the same ones who did it in JK.


Potential is another thing. The people who became expert/elite in JK are the type of people to work twords getting elite in JK2. Look at the people who post on this board. Most are content to play on a casual level, they never get serious. Maybe do or don't do certain things because they want the game to be like the movies.


Then there are those (that's you, me, and the people this post was meant for) who don't care what's in the movie, they want to WIN and be the best.


Now wouldn't it be cool to have a superclan made up of the best from JK? We could really push the limits faster, train each other, DOMINTATE JK2 hehe. There are going to be a lot of Q3 and UT players playing JK2, I say we show them what JK is all about hehe.


On a more practicle side, think for a moment of the 90% of zoners who are causal gamers. It's boring playing with them right? And I'm sure most of them would just want to do thier "like in the movies" thing and not get raped by a hardcore gamer. It would be nice if we could keep the hardcore community together so we can play each other OUR way without having to worry about being kicked for "hacking."


Perhaps the most important thing is keeping the "elite" community together. I hate repeating myself, check the WD MB for the threat.


BTW if you had read my post, you would have seen HDK as one of the clans I listed so chill out.


[ July 11, 2001: Message edited by: -WD- ToRMeNt ]

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this whole "elite" thing really is getting ridiculous.. why would you stick around to PLAY a game that's (nearly) 4 years old? I can understand editing it, because I do it myself.. but playing straight JK? blech.


and the point of this post was nearly nonexistent too, other than to brag about your "eliteness" and how you "will dominate JK2 with a superclan", blahblahblah...

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I agree in what torment says about keeping the community together. Its all good.





P.s. Who is GE? Seriously, I have never heard of them until reading this message board. x-Wing vs Tie Fighter clan?

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That's quite right orion. Super clan or not, I would like to keep our community of hard core gamers more or less together.


Whether we use Zone, Gamespy, Kali, or an IRC channel, I want to be able to talk to people I know. I don't want to to be like quake where you never see the same person twice.


There are going to be tons of JK2 players. Welp, at least we have our clan message boards.


An empire of all the best players from JK1 is still a cool idea though hehe.


[ July 11, 2001: Message edited by: -WD- ToRMeNt ]

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If Jk2 uses a simliar setup like Battle.net without hosting the games for ya(thus creating lag).


If I want to find or message my friends, I just enter in /whois ThereNumber and it tells me what game they are in.


The UT setup was great except for that one feature.


You just have to take steps to have chat rooms that all the community now goes to keep it together..


hehe I still think tho that older clans like DH and IRN are going to come right up behind and knock you guys on your asses..

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I've never joined a clan in my life and I never will.


I was offered to join some but I allways rejected. I hate having to play with a wierd slogan in front of my name. I also see no point of having a pissing contest with other people just to act like your all that. If you are good, then your good. Dont add it to your ego. Other players will see your good on the kill chart!


Also, what is the point of "having an empire of jk1 players"? IF you are all THAT good, then there will be nobody to play against and making YOUR game boring and OUR game boring (the not so good players who are looking for <u>FUN</u>, not endless masacre.)


[ July 11, 2001: Message edited by: TheJackal ]

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Jackal, I've never been in a clan either, but what you so eloquently refer to as a "pissing contest" is simply another way of having fun. A more official and recognised way. It's a game, there's no problems with having an ego because you're good.


Let them have their clans.


The idea of "the JK empire" was simply to keep in contact so that they can have regular games, and be able to instantly find worth-while opponents. None of slaughtering newbies and learning nothing.

Hope I'm making sense... :)


[ July 11, 2001: Message edited by: Letalis ]

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"Elite" and "Clan" are Oxymorons. The only purpose for a clan is, like already mentioned, to know something about who you're playing with so you can team up instead of playing on your own with real skills. They're an advantage in team games, but totally uncool in free-for-all games meant for individual fighters.


"Elite?" BAWW HAW HAA! None of those clan wanks could stand up with me in a one on one. Those clan names are just a great way to know who to boot from your non-team games so you can compete with real opponents. A real elite Jedi Knight player walks alone. That's why you need online player lists and game setup chat screens so you can hook up with the other lone wolves and have a really good competitive game, not get stuck in a game full of clan wankers.


[ July 11, 2001: Message edited by: Gonk Droid ]

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Play you? *sighs* Why don't you save me the trouble and ask SlowbieOne the scores of our 2 games. He was the last one to challenge me. 4 to -2 first game, 9 to -4 second game. And yes, those -s do mean negative.


BTW SlowbieOne, Im kinda sorry about posting the scores, I wasn't planning on doing it but I kind needed a point of referance. You seemed like a cool guy /-=


GE, I'll be watching for you on the zone.

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A real elite Jedi Knight player walks alone


Interesting point. Playing in teams is not so they can 'gang up' on single players, but so they can experience a different style of play to the usual good ol' one-on-one!


It doesn't make them less of a player simply because they wish to explore a different style.


You're entitled to your opinion as we all are, but I think it's unnecessary to accuse them of being unskilled or wankers, at least until you've proven yourself against the clan member in question.

Even then, you need only tease someone so far! ;)


So until you've taken on and defeated each and every clan member in the current JK Universe, shut the hell up! :D

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