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Toybox units??

Guest Darth G

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Guest Darth G

I wonder wat other toybox units will there be??


Yoda, R2D2, C3PO, Princess Leia, are they all gonna be there??


How about all the Jedi Council members?? it'll be cool to field an entire Jedi in a scenario.


Will the rogue squadron be featured?? everyone in their X-wings, that'll be fanatastic as well.


Does anybody know if Aurra Sing is there?? thot i saw her as a bounty hunter for one of the civs, but i can't see clearly.

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Guest Darth G

Alrite... i've found the unit that i thot is Aurra Sing... it's on the Trade Fed civ.


Now, i'm pretty disappointed... Ep 2 was suppose to feature her as a very dangerous bounty hunter, even stronger than Boba Fett, as she has got force powers.


Now she's just a unit, not a heroe with augmented abilities, just a regular bounty hunter.


Anybody else tink that it's her??


u can see the image at http://www.battlegroundsuk.com/techimage/pic25.jpg

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Originally posted by Darth G

Alrite... i've found the unit that i thot is Aurra Sing... it's on the Trade Fed civ.


Now, i'm pretty disappointed... Ep 2 was suppose to feature her as a very dangerous bounty hunter, even stronger than Boba Fett, as she has got force powers.


Now she's just a unit, not a heroe with augmented abilities, just a regular bounty hunter.


Anybody else tink that it's her??


u can see the image at http://www.battlegroundsuk.com/techimage/pic25.jpg


It probably isn't her...because she is in a screenshot that shows her standing right in fron of a Naboo Monument...(so I think she is yet another hero unit)

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Guest Darth G

Sing weaker than fett?? i think not... she doesn't even wear body armour and if u read the official star wars site, u read that she would become one of the dealiest scourge of the Jedi...


She has got a very strong force potential, and was initially to be trained as one.


She has collected 6 light-sabers as trophies from u know which group and can even handle her own lightsaber...


No, i think that most of us do not even know wat Aurra Sing can do... i bet the movie has lots to show about her

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Guest Darth G

of course she gets killed by Obi-wan...


He's the OBI-WAN... he can't die except by Vader's hand...


Anyway, i still BELIEVE she's a very strong adversary, something that Fett cannot compare with.


She's confident wearing only a red jumpsuiit, unlike fett who seems to be totally wrapped in armor

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Guest Darth G

nah... i dun think so.


Every civ is assigned with a bounty hunter that has some familarity from the movies.


Anybody else care to comment??


yah, i saw the unit that looked like aurra in one screenshotes featured on the official site

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