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Enough about the lightsaber(for now), I want to talk about blasters

Alan Byrne

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Well Denise i tend to agree with you however even when Luke was on Mirkr and with the ambush and all in Hyllyard city(i'm sure you remember) He was still able to use his lighsaber to a certain degree in fact he actually threw the damn thing to slice two pillars i believe so that the archway(??) crashed on top of the stormtroopers and all that.

What's my point? well simply put even a "forceless" Jedi can still put up a good fight, mainly i think because of experience.

But still i agree somewhat so dont get me wrong. ;)

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Yes, but he killed all those stormtroopers, too. Solo was an Imperial before running into Chewbacca, and Skywalker himself wanted to go to the Imperial fleet academy. How many of those troopers are being similarly duped? How many are conscripts? The same book you cite mentions that a substantial number of Imperial crewers were basically drafted. So on and so forth. :)


Which isn't to say that I'm some sort of whacked out super-pacifist, but having options available is never a bad thing. :)




And yeah, Thiefy elements in the gameplay are definitely a good thing in my opinion. Just so long as they're a mite smarter than Deus Ex's implementation was. :)

Stormies that go "Duhhhh... the Jedi just popped by and massacred half the squad, but now he's been out of sight for fifteen seconds... guess I'll go completely idle and act like I've been standing boring guard duty for hours now" just don't appeal. Definitely one of that game's few weaknesses. ;)

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This might be slightly off topic, but in general, should the weapons be like they were in JK or should they change? I'm thinking that some changes would be cool, especially effects wise, but would people like that or not? I'm not sure if I would care or not. I guess it also depends on what kinds of changes are made. Maybe if someone is brave enough, this topic deserves its own thread? Heh ;)

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Originally posted by Rancor:

<STRONG>should the weapons be like they were in JK or should they change? I'm thinking that some changes would be cool, especially effects wise, but would people like that or not?</STRONG>


There definitely needs to be more change than just the effects. We don't want another Jedi Knight just with better effects and graphics.

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