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Jedi,s and Sith's but what if.....


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In most MP game you mostly choose between main characters on both side G vs E, but what if you can choose a creature in the Star Wars

universe IE: Wampa that has increible strength that can rip arms apart 8^).Any other creature you can think of....? :D

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Guest Boba Rhett

Well, it could be were one person played a Rancor and all the others would fight together to try and it before it killed all of them.

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I am assuming with the reference to the Rancor, that it would be similar tob Kill the Fool with the Ysalamiri, but instead, kill the guy that's the Rancor. The one that's the rancor would take on all the others that loaded into the game. Kinda like in Aliens vs Predator, there is a type of gaame where one guy is an Alien and the rest are marines, and the guy who kills the alien becomes the alien. In this case, he'd become the Rancor. And with the Wampa, i think he's just talking about being able to be other species in MP, such as a wampa. Not have to use guns or a sabre, just beat the hell outta ya. That's my thinking. Dunno why you guys are confused.

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