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Acrobatics in Outcast?


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"Reality" of the star wars movies? I also like the games to have things in common with the movies, yet it's a GAME. If you want to pretend you live in the SWs world, then go do some RPGs or whatever. JK is placed in the SW world, but it's a game and things had to be changed because you can only tranlsate the movie into a game so well. It was also made with a fun facter and replayablity in mind.


And if you want to fight, then look me up as WD_ToRMeNt on the zone. I'll own you in FF sabs, and most likely in FF/NF guns as well. Let me guess, you are on a 56gay slodem and you want to fight me NF gaybers right? Doesn't matter, I'll elite you as long as you don't haxx :p



BTW it's really stupid for us to be arguing like this since neither one of us has any control of the JK2 development.


[ June 29, 2001: Message edited by: -WD- ToRMeNt ]

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Hey Chewie_Ripe...


Hey that's cool then. Yes some players jump around with little idea of what they are doing. In FF, the expert players always "link" trick force jumps and are almost impossible for most zoners to hit.


BTW, My offer to teach FF to anyone who asks is still open. Even whey I flame, I try and help some one. A person with potential would read one of my earlier posts and say "force jump over them while griping, then blast them with conc!? Hey that's a great idea I think I'll try it!


(HINT: In order to do that, you have to do a small force jump. You have to hold the button for a about a second. That way you don't take damage and lose the grip when you land. Always hold grip BEFORE you see them and let it go the moment you see red ;-)


[ June 29, 2001: Message edited by: -WD- ToRMeNt ]

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yeah, a 24 - 1 - 0 - (-1) game sounds Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeal fun. Maybe I'm completely misreading your attitude, but I hate morons with serious ego problems. I hate to break it to you, but bragging about your skill to sit on your @$$ and push buttons better than other people can push buttons in a five year old computer game is kind of pathetic.


People want to play JK2 to have a "realistic" saber fight. not to watch someone constantly jump 10 feet in the air. That's not only frustrating, it's just not how most people want to play JK. Basically, it's NOT fun, which defeats the whole pourpose of a game.


this is how I think jumping should work in JK... You shouldn't be able to jump so high unless you're using the force. pressing the jump button should only make you jump about 2 1/2 feet high, not even tall enough to jump over some one. I think if you want to jump higher than that, or use an acrobatic move it should eat up your force points, more so than in JK.


if you could only Force jump a handfull of times before your force points run out, this would make it impossible for someone to just jump continuously non-stop. Also, you could still do acrobatics in JK2 without having saber battles turn into a lot of chaotic mess of jumping around. Acrobatics would need to be used more wisely.


As far as wether or not acrobatics should be used via double tap, or have a seperate acrobatics button, I go with the "I only have 10 fingers" theory personally. However I see no reason you shouldn't have an option to do things either way in the game.


[ June 29, 2001: Message edited by: The Wanderer ]

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When I was learning, I was happy to play with the greats; Rage, ApOc, Breeze, Reiko, and many others. Even if I lost 15- (-2) that would be fine because I would always learn something. I would have never gotten as good as I am with any other mindset. Are you the type to whine and complain about getting owned? Or are you one who can take it like a man and grow?


About what you said about "hitting buttons on a 5 year old game"... *YAWNS* I've already stated that im fully aware that JK has no bearing on the real world. Or does it? You seem to be a bit sore over something you claim is meaningless.


[ June 29, 2001: Message edited by: -WD- ToRMeNt ]

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Oh yes, there is much difficulty in programming JK2 to be just as it is in the movies. Just as in JK, people will do things to WIN without caring about the movies. JK2 will most likely attract many hardcore gamers that play to win. Will you whine and complain as you do now because they don't want to stand around blocking sab hits, when they do something unexpected to kill you and to win?


Just like JK, JK2 will be a GAME and NOT a movie. In a game some one will win, and some one will lose. It's your choice.


[ June 29, 2001: Message edited by: -WD- ToRMeNt ]

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WD-Torment, we are not arguing, we are debating. These are forums in which we express our opinions. I'll be looking for you on the zone, I'd like to take you up on your challenge, haha. P.S. My zone name is SlowbieOne. If ya ever see me, ZM me.

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No, I'm merely discussing how the rules could be changed so that the game is actually FUN to play. that's hardly bitching and whining. Maybe it's hard for you to understand, but the idea of analy jumping around using the gun with the biggest splash damage has no appeal to me. I don't play a game to "do anything I can to win" Intelligent people with better things to do will simply stop playing and find an activity that's more fufilling, which might explain how you're "owning" people.

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Torment...I see why you choose that name. After all your constant flaming and arguing, I doubt that anyone at these forums values your opinion or cares about it. Frankly, I don't care if you can beat me in JK, what does that mean to anyone in the real world? It just means that you've spent more time sitting on your undoubtably fatass playing on your computer, maybe even typing with one hand at times. Do us all a favor...go get a life. Maybe then you won't be so damn grumpy. I hope that bug up your ass dies soon, you horse ****-eating galactic jackass.

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Oh, and as far as there being "much difficulty programing Jk2 to be just like it is in the movies" would you care to actually comment on my simple ideas on how to do that and make the game more fun to play, or are you just going to whine because you're afraid someone's going to take away your method for scoring cheap unfufilling kills?


[ June 29, 2001: Message edited by: The Wanderer ]

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LOL Don't say I didn't warn you when you meet up with the hardcore JK/UT/Q3 players that move into JK2 and show you what it means to be good at something.


Say what you will about me, it only shows how little you understand.


About the programming JK2 be like the movies... well you see, there exists in this world many players who play to win. And they often do things to win that the programmers didn't see coming. For instance, the rocket jump in the origional quake. The designers new it was possible, but they didnt realize how great of a roll it would play in the MP games of those were were skilled. Many believe that LEC never imagined how far some of us would take JK to win.

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elitism is pretty lousy attitude. Tone down on the condescendations, Torment. While I don't like the idea of the slow-paced game they're suggesting either, their opinions and wants are just as good as we might have. They don't want to play how we play. Fine, they don't have to accept our point of view. As long as they're respecting it as we should respect theirs, theres nothing wrong.


to the rest, however, say in BGJ NF, there is some sensability in, what you guys seem to see as jumping around all crazy with no pattern when indeed, if you are playing anyone good, there is a pattern.


I don't like the idea of us mimicking how the starwar's firefights were, because they struck me as a bit slow paced. I'm for the removal the concusion rifle as I'd like a game that focuses more on accuracy, rather than heavy splash damage weapons, as conc fights in Ji O got old but I still want fast-paced action and well, the stormtroopers and rebels stood still exchanging fire.. standing still = boring.


BGJ NF was a very graceful and refined means of fighting, if you played it properly. While it no longer holds my interest anymore, and I'd like them to ditch types of play that would lead to the same stragies JK used, you can't say it was a screw up on lucasart's part. I can't play Rune simply b/c I feel like I'm moving in taffy. I need maneuverability, a fast paced gameplay. It was nice being able to dominate a map like you can in FF. It was nice controlling items, smashing everyone else in the game without. I enjoyed it immensely. I also want Jk2 to be noticeably different. I want JZA, Jeb, Luke18, Deaconfrost, Nightmarez, Logicbomb, Aeron, Narz, Patton, you, me, everyone on this forum, etc. etc. to start out newbies in it. And to continue to be newbies in it for the first few weeks. A Jk with new graphics isn't enough. Newer grahpics are a must, but so is newer gameplay. I'm flatout sick of Jk gameplay. I want something new. Something fairly fast paced. Starwar's style Jedi duels aren't exactly fast paced.. at least not ep4,ep5,ep6.


No offense torrent, but I hope Raven won't even look at you, much less ask to see how the 'elites' play JK. In fact, the only elites that still play generally are the ones that are relatively new to the game or too entrenched in one thing that refuse to learn any new form. I hope Raven blows that type off. I don't want Jk2=Jk.


What I'd like to see in Jk2 is more swings(single swings with the power of a double swing) with more sweeping motions. Think Rune's broadsword + speedier play + longer reach and build on that.


If they tone down force speed, you could have some really nice fast-pased saber fights with moderate force that's still there, but not in a dominating manner Jk's force powers took over. A bit of a big change from Jk's FF style of controlling powerups and tatical use of force powers, no? Thats the idea; drift away from Jk's concepts and create something new.


eheh hope my ideas aren't too jumbled..


[ June 29, 2001: Message edited by: [eVe]DeathBoLT ]

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well if I meet up with any ignorant hardcore dorks like yourself in JK2, I'll simply thank the lord I wasn't born with a jagged 6 foot long wooden stick embedded up my @$$. Oh, and you still didn't respond to any of my suggestions.


Ok, I'd really rather get on with this topic, maybe we should ignore Mr. Torment


[ June 29, 2001: Message edited by: The Wanderer ]


[ June 29, 2001: Message edited by: The Wanderer ]

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This is funny, and I refuse to get too far into the "debate", however since my last post, allot has been said. The most productive element of this converstaion( I try to exploit the possitves, on what may seem to be a negative situation) is that everyone posting, obviously are very passionate about JK and how to improve it for ALL players. I will never deabte someone's opinion, as it is there own..integrity is everything. Success, or winning, is a percpetion...never a fact, as we all choose what is fact for us and what it not...this makes you unique...In my personal OPINION, many good points were made from all people of this thread..


Torment noted that learning from better players helped him learn....excellent point.

It is not only the ability to be open to weakness, but the ability to accept your weakness that will make you stronger....but will all have or own perceptions of ourselves and what is weak and what is strong


Wanderer...with whom I agree with on many opinions, the idea of a more life-like aproach is a great concept, and I think there is some need for improvement with this....


SW is just a movie and JKO will be just a game, but all that we experiance in life as meaning....


No matter you preference of game or the style in which you play it...weither you win, or weither you loose...its your opinion that matters, as it you own....enjoy others thoughts,feelings, and perceptions, as you ultimatley make your own choices...integrity is everything!

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I dont wan't to sound spiteful or arrogant, but why is it that when a clan member starts posting it doesn't become a debate but more of an argument?


Now, I don't want to make sweeping statements as that would be unfair on the majority of people\clan members in here, but some people's attitudes really should change or they will find that people will NOT listen to what you are saying...


Its only a small minority but never the less, its rather disruptive and I don't want to sieve through these petty arguments to get to the interesting bits - Peoples thoughts, written in a constuctive way..



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omg... i totally agree with most of you... Dodging is so elite in UT.. i was just thinking about that the other day when i was playing a game of JK, just if i could double tap and dodge it would be so elite... i dont think it should be to complicated like we've seen.. all this diaginol jumping and stuff.. rolling would be nice. but then if u double tap and hit up + L or R u still dodge in that direction like its so easy to do in UT. It would be so awesome if they used that in JK2. then maybe i'd play guns...

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Good comments Wardz, and I agree. I agree with you that making blanket statements, with a " I'm better than you" attitude really is out of place here...and can motivate great members of this site to post elsewere, or move to another forum. That would be a shame...Theese forums are designed to share thoughts, to agree to dis-agree and ingage in constructive debates, by listening to everyones veiw points. A debate is never, and should never, become an argument..just enjoy peoples thoughts, learn from them and have fun....we are a community in here, people with the same admiration for this game.....if people want to be competitive, challenge others to games....great, just keep the trash talking and competitive attitudes in the game...


Oh, by the way, I have thought about the double-tapping method and I'm starting to think it may be better than my original thought of a designated button. My only concern was, I tend to be a grounded player, straffing, circling and moviing side to side allot...so I was concerned with double tapping accidently, as my fingers are always moving quick, and usually are on 2-3 buttons at a time....any feedback on this problem or keyboard+mouse users of UT....did this happen, as I do not play that game...any help would be great..as double tapping does make more since, the more I Listened to most of your thoughts.....

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Thanks for the feedback...we'll hopefully both options will be avaiable to try, so we can decided which will work best...Also, for those of you that do not have or get PC Gamer, there is a small article about JKO. Here is sentence taken from the article:

" Sabers blur just like in the films, and you'll dodge and flip like memebers of Cirque du Solie as you reprise your roll as Kyle Katarn".....looks like they have plans to implement what we have discussed in this thread......nice!

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EXcellent! You are learning well. I saw the flips and acrobatics made for obi wean on the pc. i hope they do include some cos it looked wicked. But they will either do it or not as i have told them 'Do or do not, there is no try'. :)

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I was all set to add a reply as i read the first 10 or so posts on this thread, but then it got very ugly. Anyway, getting back to the main topic, (and I know I've mentioned this before) but an easy way to create a new level in sabre dueling which would include acrobatics and new sabre moves would be a targeting system. The only problem is what happens when more than two people are involved in combat? I am not aware of any game that handles this problem (that also uses targeting). But, it would definately be interesting.

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