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Operating system for JK


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Everyone who told that they won'tbuy JK2 if it isn't released on linux got wrong cause The new windows XP on which the Microsoft team is working is better than linux on many point if you have a good computer.


I must say that I tried it ( the Win XP ) and it did't crash yet ( I'm beta-testing it since cristmas ).


So hold on everybody cause the new windows OS won't crash giving you the best of

Star Wars gaming !!!!!!!!



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linux is the best operating system money can buy...microsoft is just user friendly, and barely at that...if i had the time to learn linux i would...and XP has more bugs than a...i dunno....forest, theres a good pun, anyway...there should be a linux version, thats almost a given these days

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Linux all the way. Microsoft is going to FORCE you to register XP within like 20 days of installing it. I'm NOT going to beg and plead with Microsoft tech help to PLEASE let me reinstall XP after it inevitably crashes, screw that. why, oh tell me WHY help Microsoft cement their monopoly? Tyranical bastards.


Smile intelligent people, when I get a new computer next year, I'm switching to linux!!!


speaking of which, is there anywhere you can go to get linux versions of old games?? (not that old, games like Thief, JK1, or Q2?

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I don't have linux yet but I'm going to get it in about a month.


And about Windows XP not crashing, how long did you run it? Linux has been known to run without crashing for MONTHS! And linux may be best operating system money can buy, but you don't have to buy it it's free! Though it would be eisier to buy a distribution cd then trying to download it. :eek:


Besides all that, Linux and most of it's programs are OPEN SOURCE! :cool:


It also has a pengwin as it's official mascot. :D;)


[ July 16, 2001: Message edited by: Gabrobot ]

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What are you smoking? Anybody wanna tell him how much a FULL version of XP is gonna cost...not the upgrade, the real deal! Linux is free. Windoze boxes are more vulnerable to trojans(cause most people write trojans for windows). XP has raw sockets...head on over to http://www.grc.com and read about the security issues in windows xp.


Note: i dont think anyone ever said they wouldn't buy JK2


[ July 16, 2001: Message edited by: matt-windu ]


[ July 16, 2001: Message edited by: matt-windu ]

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Please see that it says free. Unfortunately, I've never tried WinXp...but the next leak...i'm downloading. I'll see for myself.


In the meantime, can we have a reference:

Everyone who told that they won't buy JK2 if it isn't released on linux got wrong

And who are you to declare someone's choice invalid?


Where's finalnight...it might be time for 4,5, and 6.

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Yes my friends, I think we can all agree that Micro$haft is the evil empire, and Linux is the rebellion.


I've read about win XP, and I laughed by butt off at the obvious security holes it will have. It's not really better, it's the same win 95/98/ME $hit. But now, they are integrating serveral programs into the OS to maintain and expand thier monopoly.

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From what I've seen and heard, Windows XP will be (is) more stable than Windows 95/98/ME, but not more stable than 2000. (more stable means less unstable here)


The first thing they're doing wrong is making one kernel for all PCs, instead of compiling it specifically for your PC. That means it isn't optimised for your PC and you probably have a lot of crap in it you don't or can't use.

The second thing which is stupid is embeding the GUI (Graphical User Interface) into the kernel. This makes it even more unstable than it already is. Also why do you need a GUI for a webserver. It only takes away memory and space for the web server and applications.

The third thing that's wrong is the prize. If I remember correctly, Amazon had the prize for XP at $299 (before Microsoft forced them to remove XP from their site).

Linux is free (yes, even redhat). It's more stable. It's faster. And as for user friendlyness: it gets some taking use to, but with X-Window and RPMs I think it's just as easy to use as Windows.

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That's the XP Server and Advanced Server (which are even more expensive). The XP Home Edition is supose to replace ME, which was supose to replace 98 SE, which was supose to replace 98, which was supose to replace 95... etc.

I think most people still use 98.

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The reason that it is supposed to run more stable is that it is pure 32bit. Past O/S (95/98/etc) have been 16bit at the base.


If you try to build a pyramid with one block on the bottom(16bits) and two more on top of it(32bits) it WILL crash, like windows...It's just a matter of time.


Stupid Joke I once Heard:

Bill Gates died and went to heaven...he was given a very nice suit and a mansion. He one day saw the titanic's captain whilst playing golf. He saw that the captain had all he had...but only nicer and moe in number. He asked God and said,"The Titanic went down and kill hundreds!"...and God replied,"Oh, we used windows and we know...The Titanic ONLY CRASHED ONCE."

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I good idea would be to by a book about Linux. Make sure it has a CD packaged with it. It'll probably have a version of Redhat. As for GUI, I can't get you a screenshot...my main comp is down. There are several choices however, and the book would contain a tutorial. I believe you can use a windows-like interface.

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I use Linux-mandrake 8.0 (1.26 gig download of the two .iso). As for the GUI, I mainly use KDE ("K" Desktop environment), but once in a while I will use gnome. KDE looks similiar to windoze GUI, but there are some great things about linux. 1) Anti-aliasing in the fonts, 2) Multiple desktops (up to 16) 3) If you're a Mac user, you can use the bar at the top to make you feel at home 4) Linux and it's GUI at so much more customizable then win 5) All in all, KDE and Gnome just LOOK so much better. I guess it goes with being updated constantly rather then once every few years.


Seriously, why should I pay 300 bucks every time M$ wants me to "upgrade". Mandrake has this awsome program that will log onto ftp servers, check to see there are updates (there are TONS because linux and it's software are constantly being improved and patched). I can choose the ones, I want, then it will download and install them for me at no cost.

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