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What Forcepowers would you like to see


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At last a not repeated topic

We have never talked about this


Ill just say I dont want destruction removed, cuz I know that people will start to say "take away destruction"

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I would like to see a good mixture of the powers from the movies with the powers in the books. I think that there is a more important matter than 'which' powers will be implemented though, and that's 'how' they will be implemented. Sometimes what sounds great, turns out to be less than great. I'll have to admit though, I would enjoy seeing Speed, Jump and Pull make a comeback. I just can't imagine going back to the slowness of a game like Q3 after playing JK with Speed. The Saber Throw looks quite nice at this point, although I hope it will be modified a bit from what we've seen in the previews. I don't think that the Lightsaber should come back to you as easily as it appears to. I think that recovering your Lightsaber should be more of a challenge. Maybe we could even have a way to edit such powers to our liking(server-side). Grip and Lightning are a must in my opinion.

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Nothing against you wutangkillahbee7 , but you mande some funny posts in other topics, but this is just too much

You are joking arent you?

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Im beginning to think this guy is just bothering us


only one big base level, the DF engine and no force powers?? cmon

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don't get me wrong, I am like the biggest SW fan, and the biggest fan of the DF/JK series. But the saber and force powers were kinda annoying in the game.


Also, there are to many Jedi already in the SW universe to begin with. In the movies, as of ANH there were only around 5 Jedi, but with EV and games it turns out there were more like 100 Jedi during. ANH. I mean Vader, hes supposed to be the only Dark Jedi, along with Palpatine, but Jerec & all his Dark Jedi wander around in a Super SD, courtesy of the Emporor?


The games LightSaber and Force Powers not being really good, and too many Jedi, thats why I dont want these things in JK2

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The_Wanderer sort of thought something like this, but I'd think it'd be cool for acrobatic's to be a force power. Unaided jumps shouldn't put you up very high.. I think Agility should be a force power in the sense, that the more stars you put into JK, the better and higher acrobatics(like flips, etc.) and how fast you move, how hard you kick(maybe hehe).


Extremely force high jumps probably should be a seperate key as it would suck to not have a regular jump while Force Agility or whatever was in action..


I'm starting to flounder on my idea tho..



[ June 29, 2001: Message edited by: [eVe]DeathBoLT ]

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I always viewed force powers as a nuisance. Get rid of them, is my opinion.


What about the thousands of people out there that want to have/use the Force? Sometimes we must sacrifice 'our' wants for the good of the 'whole'. It's alright to not like something, but it's selfish to ignore the rest of us who disagree, by saying "Get rid of them."


The best way to go about this game, would be 'options'. We MUST have the ability to use the Force or to take the Force off, as we did with JK/MotS. Some people like it, some people don't, but neither should be left out.

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I'd like to see:


Force Agility - increased speed, ability to perform acrobatic moves, higher jumps


Force Jump - for those REALLY high jumps..


Force Awareness - something like seeing, but not quite like it. i'd rather mapping(using map + seeing) not be repeated in the sense JK used it..


Force Pull - pull weapons, manipulate controls, items.


Force Push - push ppl around


Force Throw - but only throw 1-2 objects around and u should be able to evade with acrobatics or swat it away with saber..


Force Saberthrow - that power looks sweet but it shouldn't be TOO hard to evade


Force Heal - heal, maybe stop grip


Force Absorb - stop offensive powers, maybe even absorb some energy from weapons(the Halycons in EU had poor telekenisis abilities but when one of them was stabbed with a lightsaber, they could drain the lightsaber's batteries although he still died as the saber vaporized his heart..


either way try to balance the force powers in the sense that they play an important role but don't dominate the match. Lightsabers should play an equal role in game.


[ June 30, 2001: Message edited by: [eVe]DeathBoLT ]

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And where are the dark powers DeathBoLT?


I dont imagine a Jedi game without grip or lightning

There should be lots of force powers, If you dont like some of them you should have the option to play in different levels like in JK

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I've figured part of KILLAHbee's problem he always got his ass kicked by saberists and force users....as to him being the biggest Star Wars fan I'd have really disagree with him saying put blood in the game when blood doesn't exist in the Star Wars galaxy(you'd think the biggest Star Wars fan would know that)

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Guest Kurgan

Um, blood exists in the SW galaxy. What are you talking about? ; )


No guys, really, we just need to stop all this flaming and button-pushing.


Can you guys handle that this guy has a different opinion than you? Just because his ideas may not be super popular on these forums is no reason to attack or insult him.


Just lay off the personal attacks and let's be civil. Free exchange of ideas and common courtesy and respect, you know, all that good stuff. ; )



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Guest Kurgan

Incidentally, I wouldn't care to much what force powers they add to JK2, as long as there is a nice variety for different situations and playing styles, we get to choose which ones we want to use when, and it's somewhat balanced.


I would love to see improved versions of the old classics, but new is good too. As long as we aren't limited to stuff that was "seen in the movies."


And anyway, if you like swinging a lightsaber and playing in the SW universe, but don't want to see force powers, I'm certain that like JK/MotS you will be able to play with "No Force" in JK2 as well.




[ June 30, 2001: Message edited by: Kurgan ]

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If people dont want to use the force then don't use it. No need to shout about it or tell Raven to leave it out "cos its a nuisance." What sort of game is it without the force? its like going the pub and not having a drink.




[ June 30, 2001: Message edited by: wardz ]

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I think i'd like to see some sort of in game tool to let you edit what your force powers do with in reason. after all it's the force, it's not like the force has a list of things you can do with it. some sort or tool that you could use ingame to script your oun powers would be awsome. they could make it so you cant make super powers or anything. say you could edit the direction of force push, that way you could make it so it pushes them up and fall to thier death, or make it so you push them towards you and you then get em with your saber.

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