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Guest Kurgan

Boys, boys, no need to flame and get nasty over petty issues like this.


JK2 = modified Q3Team Arena engine


Obi-Wan = Tanis engine


Jedi Knight = Sith engine


MotS = modified Sith engine


Dark Forces = Jedi engine


I think all of these engines are/have done well what they intended to do for those specific games. It's obviously a choice that's up to the developers. At this point, it appears the engine is set in stone. But, on the other hand, they could change it (maybe to the Doom3 engine or something) which would mean the game would be delayed, which would hurt them in the short-run.


But I kind of doubt that will happen. It's in the developers best interest to get the game out as close to "on time" as possible.




[ June 30, 2001: Message edited by: Kurgan ]

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actually the Q3A engine is really a HEAVILY modified version of the pong engine.


heavily modified of course.


In any case, I don't think we should be too hard on our friend wutang. I get the feeling he's either just trying to have fun with us, in which case arguing with him and aknowledging him will only fuel the fires, or I'm getting the impression that wutang is a younger kid. maybe a younger kid whose computer is a bit on the older less advanced side, old enough that any engine more advanced than the sith engine might not run too well on his computer... you dig?


[ June 30, 2001: Message edited by: The Wanderer ]

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pong would be nice!


Originally posted by wutangkillahbee7:

<STRONG>I'm not that young. I'm all for the Q3A engine, but having the JK1 engine would be great too. Maybe make a JK mod?</STRONG>



then if you wanted to play something with a DF/JK/MOTS era engine, go make a mod for it.. and base your ideas on JK2's ideas...


and by the way... another point, you like old stuff? then why would you upgrade your computer into some 4gigahertz and 5 gigs of ram with a geforce 500 in the future? its because of advancement in games and in life in general... we wanted something improved and enjoy with it!! incorporating a lot of new ideas and really executing it needs powerfull machines and technology. you will throw away that old engine for the new.


so go stay with your old games f00!


and btw... DF isnt built on the "build" engine by 3dRealms!

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Originally posted by wutangkillahbee7:

<STRONG>No match for....


WTF, I ought to slap you


You're ignorant. The DF/JK/MOTS engine is the greatest thing since sex! That engine ran the best game ever: JK! When you play JK, are you complaining? No, so shut up. I think Raven should have stuck to the JK1 engine, becaause it is a classic, and the JK feel shouldn't be lost. The Q3A engine is great, but the JK engine should be used again. Or how about if they make 2 versions, one with each engine?</STRONG>


U obviously dont get much pleasure from sex then do u!!!!! :p

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JK2 is going to be sweet, but think about all the resources it will hog.


That's the price we must pay for technology. It isn't like you'll have to be running...


Dual Thunderbird 1.2 GHz

512 MB RAM

GeForce III


although a system like that couldn't hurt(well, besides the pocket-book). I myself have...


Duron 800

256 MB RAM

Voodoo 3 3000 AGP - Soon a GeForce II or III


and I plan to play this game on this system, and it will most likely play very decently.


The "Sith" engine was great, and if used properly (check out some screenshots on massassi.net) can look as good as a lot of new games.


I create levels and release them at The Massassi Temple on occasion. I'm very familiar with 99% of the MP levels that exist for JK and I have to say, they are nothing compared to those of other games(by a graphical standpoint). If you think that any level that has ever been released for JK(8 or 16-bit) that can hold up to the likes of UT, Q3 or T2, you are simply in denial(no offense). I love popping JED open and creating some nice maps, but the Sith Engine is very limited and JED is definitely limited.


Take one of the best JK DM maps(The Old Mill - By Tee - http://www.massassi.net/levels/files/1495.shtml) and compare it to any Q3 map. There is no comparison, when looking at it from a graphical standpoint. As a matter of fact, I believe even Tee(creator of suggested map) even edits Q3 maps as well. Any serious editor will tell you that although the Sith engine is fun to mess around with, and was great for it's time, it can't hold a candle to new engines.

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Duel CPUs? What OS are you running?


Oh and is it confirmed that JK2 will use the TEAM arena engine (or rather a modified version)?


This has prolly already been said, but... UT is a better game then Q3. Q3 does handle lag better, but UT owns in gameplay. I think that for what they are trying to do with JK2, the q3 engine is the best choice.

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Originally posted by wutangkillahbee7:

<STRONG>you havent checked all the screenshots obviously because some are almost Q3A quality, with relflections and curving, etc.</STRONG>


god... its has been announced already by raven and some newsposts... that its going to be a Q3A engine game... as raven also holds a license and also in good ties with id software.


and btw... the UT engine can do curves.

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Obi-Wan used the Tanis engine, a LucasArts creation. It wasn't bad, but the graphics would have been a bit outdated by the time it came out. The real seller was the physics detection thing. Everying was interactive realistically, except walls 'cause they weren't using geomod.


I, personally, think they should definitely use the Extreme Paintbrawl engine. :D

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I already knew that JK2 will be using the quake 3a engine. I was wondering if the modifications done to the quake 3 *TEAM* arena will make it into JK2.


I like the "feel" of Q3ta over Q3a. Oh well, I supose they'll use the newest version modified to fit their needs. I hope this includes the new netcode and anti-cheat added in the Q3a 1.29f beta point release.


What I think many of us really want is for the physics to be differant and for it to have a differant feel then quake. If I want to quake, then I'll play quake. JK2 needs to stand on it's own and not be just a quake mod.


"Alice" shows that this is possible, but "EF" just seemed to be a q3 mod to me.


[ July 03, 2001: Message edited by: -WD- ToRMeNt ]

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lol...I hope the original statement for this topic was meant to be somewhat of a joke?

I'm gald you are passionate about the entire DF, JK series, and want to keep the same feel, but come on!


I think we all agree, that we are excited about a newer, up to date version with the new Q3A Engine. This will not look, nor feel, like a Q3A mod....it's kind of like drawing...just because two drawings use a pencil to be created, they can be dramaticly differnt in the final apperance. Its the artist( or creator) that is most important, so why not give them the best tools available, to portray there work to the best of its capabilites...I have faith in Raven, as we all do...


It's cool if you want the same graphics and look for JKO, as JK did....but think about it.

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The problem with JK engine is that to today's standard it is VERY limiting. The was it was build back then would probebly interfer to certain options or features people want to see.


Here is ONE example: Dedicated Servers. You might think that just adding a few lines (more like a lot) and presto! You can play with dedicated servers not leaving the game. WRONG! Everything is VERY complex.

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