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Difficulty levels....what will be done??


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Who needs an easy or medium setting at all heh, I'd be happy if they set the game to Hard and had no other settings. Its no Fun playin stuipd AI, and the AI in most games if it ain't setup on Hard+ is just pathetic, Take the Bots in UT QIII, Or the Fighters in XvT or XWA, they are jus plain stuipd on easy and medium and are an easy kill. Not to say their mutch brighter on Hard, but atleast thier harder to get. :D

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Stormies could vary a lot by difficulty. The various previews have mentioned being able to force them to break and run; higher difficulty troops could make for "braver" squads. Their shooting could become more accurate. And then of course there are the age-old crutches of adding more of them and/or making them take more damage to kill.


Actually, I expect the basic cannon-fodder troops to show more variance than the boss characters when you get to fiddling with the difficulty levels. That's usually how it goes, in my experience.

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My guess is dude, the damage wont change but your likeliyhood of damage will decrease with harder skills, i.e a harder skill trooper will duck or hide more from headshots, and a harder jedi opponent, will block more and be harder to hit, thats my guess, as well as as with most games past, the accuracy from them goes up, making exposing yourself to get the headshot or whatever riskier..just a guess though.. :cool:

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Id play it on hard anyway. EF showed that the most difficult setting is much more fun. I think it would be cool though if they gave u enemies to fight and the computer automatically worked out how difficult to set the game. This was previewed with Starship Troopers, but they later scrapped this idea because in the beginning your not so good at the game, so the computer always set it too easy. Would be cool though for us JK players :)

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