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New Jedi Order enemies..


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...please pardon my goin off, prior to reading the rest of my post below...


What the hell are you thinking about? making a game called Jedi Outcast, and the eneminies are immune to the force? and how the hell can you be immune to the force? do they produce bubbles such as yalsmari, or what, because all life requires it to survive. and if thier immune, immune to what? force lightning? force grip? jedi mind trick? can jedi sense them? do they appear as holes, such as yalsmari? (maybe i should read this line of books first, but they just look to ****ty...)


....ok, well, end of rant, didnt seem too bad, now did it? ya, im surprised at myself...

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they're immune to the force due to their perception of it...in meta physics ones perception defines the reality that one sees...this is usually what crazy people see..however the Yuuzhan Vong have taken this one step further...plus as they're from another galaxy they have no medeclorines to speak of ( well they do but they're different from "normal" ones hence the reason that force powers dont work )....and finally their believe system is so strong that it overides anything other than what they think is acceptable in reality...so rally its a combination of the above factors that make them immune to the force...and yes i do need a life... :p

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Yeah, they killed Chewie.


One more reason to want to chop 'em up, isnt it?


Fighting the Yuuzhan Vong is a pretty cool idea, but so far, the series has steered clear of any involvement with the main characters except for Mara Jade.


BTW, has anyone found one reference book that took notice of Mara's training from Kyle?

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Thank you for the mention alex! I totally disagree with everyone who says 'the Yuuzhan Vong are another boring enemy who have just come to sort out the gap in the story now the new republic made peace with da empire' i think they are a very real threat.[or as far as real goes in the star wars universe, cos yes i can admit it's fictional] They present an obstacle that cannot be simply waved away by the jedi with just one twist of a lightsaber like has been done in the past with books like the correlian trilogy. Jedi may have the force but they aren't all powerful, as we have all discovered playing jk and trying to be a good jedi [yes it is oooohhhhh so hard not to just press that button and strangle the guards, but everyone has to be nice] the only person to realise this in the past was timothy zahn, but it doesn't look like he's coming back. I also like the ethical battles that go on between jacen and annakin solo in kathy tyres balance point, i think it adds a very human slant to an otherwise alien galaxy, it asks fundamental questions of the jedi and also of ourselves in our day to day lives. what counts as aggression? what counts as action and what is sitting by and watching things that we could, no, we should have stopped. hmmmm. did i stop making sense to everyone else ages ago? you get my points i hope! I just think that we shouldn't dismiss the yuuzhan vong as 'a cheesy Evil Alien Race' untill we have seen them develop a little bit more. and as for killing chewie, well lets face it, it had to be done, just as killing qui gon had to be done. I am just a plain old fan of the old characters and can't honestly say that i care much for tpm. so i am glad for things about my guys. sorry for the tirade!!! i just recon they are a good bad guy. in some ways, better than the empire. and yes, i would like to see a game about them, cos basically, the Trade Federation really do suck ass!

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Well, you see, Tom, my problem with the Vong here is that they aren't all that inventive. Sure, the peripherals like how their defenses and movement work on the capital scale, that's interesting.


But up close, in person, no. They show that the Jedi aren't infallible simply by elevating them to roughly the strength of the Jedi. The end result is a somewhat dull slugfest. Instead of coming up with genuinely interesting workarounds like Zahn's Jedi traps in Spectre of the Past and Vision of the Future, they just say "Ooops, no, you can't cut through my amphistaff or armor, let's have innumerable duels to demonstrate this concept!" and "Hee hee, I'll kill a Noghri in close combat just to prove that I'm dangerous, even though it's a sadly transparent way to write it". :)


It just doesn't sit well with me. More to the point of this thread, they would have precisely the same effect on the game as they have on the novels; tougher foes, so the actual environments wind up being less inventive to keep the difficulty in line.


I want to see a creative ambush that gives plain-old normal people a decent chance against a Jedi. Maybe a squad of stormtroopers bushwacks you in a dark room, using thermographic imaging. You enhance your vision with the Force and suddenly the room is filled with the bright flashing of many strobing lights, blinding you. Will their tactic kill you? Probably not. Will it put you off-balance and make you struggle to win? Heck yes. :)


In the meantime, Vong as an enemy would result in sloppier, less inventive level design. Instead of elaborate traps like Zahn constructs (and how I've clumsily tried to illustrate above), they make an encounter difficult by throwing a bunch of Vong at you instead of putting you in a new situation.

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I'd actually like to fight a Vong. Maybe just one as a boss. It might also be cool to have them in Multiplay. Like for guns, they would have an entirely diffrent (and organic) arsenal than their counterparts. And for NF saber games it would be cool to have a team of Jedi vs. a team of Vong. But it would suck if the Vong were standard enemies (ie if they replaced the stormtroopers.)

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It all would depend on how the Vong were handled in the game. I all we wanted was a Tough Thug w'd just settle for Dark Troopers again..


(IMHO I'd love for Kyle show those Dark Troopers his 'can oppener')


What I ment was I'd like to see more melee combat other than Saber vs Saber, especially if they manage to give the Vong some cool moves, better that those Sith Staues in MosT.


Take Aliens vs Preadator for example, most of the game you fight the Alien, but it was so well desinged that each fight was compleately different depending on the environmet. What would be boring in other games (wave after wave of the same enemy) was made a great gaming experiance.


Ah well.. wishfull thinking..

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Hold up hold up!!! These "vong" things can stop a jedi from what? Using the force to clear HIS own mind? Pffffft, i would understand if they were imune to mind trick (like watto) but stopping jedi from using the force to manipulate objects or just clearing there mind, is just plain out cheesy. And if theres a rule like "only jedi around the vong are forceless" then why not have a bunch of soldiers shoot nice big rockets up these so called "vong" asses!!! Heh and what stops a jedi from deflecting the vongs blaster weapons back at them, killing them? I WANT ANSWERS!!! TOM!!!!! :confused:

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the vong simply enjoy pain for pains sake...that makes them almost immune to "conventional" fear as they would think twice about stepping in front of a blaster...plus the fact that thier armour is a senient being which constantly adapts to what ever is trying to kill it make it pretty much better than most protection available in the SW universe...as for the vong themselves, we all know that blind faith gives someone a degree of will power that will be near impossible to break...jedi while powerful are not invincible...and the vong highlite that...the vong have utter belief that they will conquer the classic SW galaxy...and that makes them immune to most jedi mind powers...god i hate knowing all this crap

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Omg thats cheesy!! Come on how could they have such strong armor that adapts to everything!!? I mean they have to have a weakness, if not than it be offical, offical that vong are the cheesiest poor excuse for a race in the sw universe!! :rolleyes: The person that wrote up these Vong creatures, is a disgrace!! sure i could see if they werent such a uber race that cant be killed, but they are.

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i didnt say it adapts to everything ( well i did but i didnt mean it )...like all living creatures it trys to fit into its current environment...so if it survives a couple of saber swipes...it learns how to cope with them...notice i said if it survives by the way...and about believe ill give you a real world example...religious zealots are willing to die and kill for their chosen belief...nuthin can change their minds on that purpose...you guys really need to learn more...

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Don't these Vongy things sound a bit like those Borg dudes from Star Trek, the way they become amune to stuff ( i don't watch it but i saw it in one of the movies )



Also somebody said a while ago Kyle wasn't in any of the official books ( well he isn't ) but in the Guide to the Droids the Dark Troopers are in it and it might even mention him



Also is Dark Forces Rising any good, the book i mean,




Scott :D

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