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Effective use of the Jedi Confuse in Multiplayer

Ice Man1587246496

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I just thought up an effective way to use the Jedi Confuse power in multiplayer. In another post, it was mentioned that Jedi Confuse might be useless in multiplayer. How would it work, exactly, you ask?

What if it worked as a cloaking device. Jedi Confuse would make the victim either:

  • Not see the Jedi or
  • Perceive the Jedi not as a threat

I'm not sure if this is force power is documented anywhere in some book I haven't yet read, but in multiplayer it could simply act like a cloaking device in which the victim would see only the mostly transparent silhouette move by, like the cloaking device in Elite Force. What do you think???

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It ought to change your skin to a nude women/goddess. Your opponent, if hes the typical online gaming dork, will be busy staring at the quake3 graphics quality breasts, thus giving you the opportunity to blast the hell out of your opponent while he crouches up and down in an attempt to crudely resemble pelvic thrusts..


..unless you're the typical online dork too, and in that case, you'll be staring at your char's bare ass too in third person..



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maybe it will make it where you cant see the oppontent using seeing on the map.


and what about persersion? evan though it wasn't much in mp, it was fun in sp, it jedi mind trick taking its place? i remember before jk came out and read something about how jedi used that just the same way there saying about jedi mind trick, so it seems like no persasion

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A force power to make some one think you are not a threat in a DM? Gimme a break lol. If it's anything like persuasion vs seeing (when all the good players use seeing + map), the it'll be just another useless newbie power. Who knows though, depends on how they implement it in MP.

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2 good ideas so far, cloak u from the map, [assuming there will be a map], and change yer skin to yer opponents color in team dm.


If there's no idiotic counter like seeing in JK, then u could do just about anything with it and it would be useful. I hope its a lil more indirect and subversive than *whooo i'm invisible!* or *ha! dirt in yer eyes! green dirt!*



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mm I managed to cog a blind that removes the mapping ablities in jk in 10 minutes..

but combined with jks absorb n pull atm it would just make playing as a lighty even cheaper :)


plain invisible would suck. if their was no counter.. as well as being unrealistic.

however if jedi could see other jedi classes.. but nfers saw them as players on their side, or if it messed about with a targets vision and hearing it would be good.. but only in class based.

v jedi a mind trick is useless


[ August 26, 2001: Message edited by: KillerBee ]

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lol.. nah not hax.. /me still laffs at the people who put no cogs on their game info..

cogs a dirty word with most gamers.. who then go on to play mods, which are 90% cog work.. .

jk2 shouldnt have that annoying connection between nice editors, and evil nasty hax0rz

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