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Lightsaber Moves


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I'm not too worried about the saber moves. as long as it's better than the over simplified and flawed JK saber interface (although it was still fun) small mostly useless slash and big overly powerful slash just didn't work.


what I worry about is wether or not there is a block button.


with saber moves, 5 is adequate (for me and my tastes) if you have 20 moves that's just way complicated, it'd be awkward to hit the right key combinations for many of them (plus keys will be limited to begin with do to force powers) most of the moves will probably have similar end-results, and you'll only consistently use 4 of them anyway :)


i think the key to truly make the saber more fun, and skillful (ie: satisfying) to use would be a block button. Saber battles would be about more than just strafing, and deflecting fire would be more than just standing there. It adds a major skill component. (Especially if Kyle can't just stand there and take 20 direct hits.)


and after all, how many different swings do you really need to take out the same one-hit-kill-and-defensless-at-close-range stormtroopers.


blocking is the key to making JO shootouts fun.

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Yes, I would have to say that 20 would be a bit much, however, considering there will be allot more movement and acrobatic capabilites this time around, using same swing commands, but with different movements, will create "different" saber moves. Although JK had basically 5 or 6 differnt swings, it somtimes felt like more, cause you could incorporate swings with movement....so if they could expand on this, along with eliminating auto blocking, this may create for more traditional saber duels...and less straffing, since blocking will be more skill based. It should also help keep dramtic movements more defense based, forcing players to stay close and duel it out, with a variety of attacks and blocks......sorry if this was confussing.. :)

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