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Serious mulitiplayer problem!!!

Obi Kwan

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I know we have 9 million threads on sabres, but this one presents a new problem. With the addition of the sabre throw, how will this effect sabre duels in mulitplayer?!?!?! I can see it now; some punk newbie constantly throwing his sabre instead of duking it out with some kind of skill. Or am I over reacting? I suppose if the sabre takes a few seconds to go out and come back, then it wouldnt be a very viable weapon in a duel situation, leaving the thrower rather vulnerable. Anyway, I just wanted to see what you guys thought...

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That's not a big problem. there are always ways around these sort of things like using force speed and running back and forth as you close in on him then cut him to pieces or you could use force destruction and various other dark side powers to pound up a bit...there are numberous ways around that sort of thing. :D

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Well, I don't entirely like the saber throw idea, espeacially for Multiplayer....But, since it will be a well liked feature for Single Player, and I will enjoy aspects of it...I think this is something that can easily be monitored in MP, just through set-up, etc. Simply put, MP gamers, hosting, that will not want this in a game, will specify as such. Since its a force power, this should be simple to accomplish...as for me, I already know that this is an a option I will eliminate from my games..." Sabers only, ff, except saber throw...if you throw, you will be tossed...lol.."

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Guest ZeroXcape

I think if someone continually tried throwing their saber, they'd end up doing more harm then good. Besides that, saber's can block other sabers.

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Saber throw will probably be a force power. Which probably means it will drain some of your force power reserves. I doubt people will be able to throw their sabers all the time without running out of force power reserves.

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Do yall relize that saber throw is not a new thing, its in MOTS. Everyone acts as tho its a brand new thing. I think they should make completly new force powers like a force power that grap a guy lifs him in the air and throws him against a wall. That would be sweet!

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They won't if it's a sab only level. The maps themselves play a very important role in the formation of tactics. Being a lighting in BGJ is like having your hands tied (even if you don't die much). A lighty in oasis can really dominate however.

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We can rest assured, Raven are good at what they do, they make a business of it after all. The skill will be balanced and it will have bonuses and dodgisms, it'll be useful in some situations, and terrible in others, it's up to us to work out which is which. ;)

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Yes, I agree with having faith in Raven. Although, the reasons for me( for now)not wanting the saber throw in multiplayer, it would be way over used. However, my opinion is based on the fact that I prefer NF Sabers, or Sabers with F-Jump and Speed. This is just my prefernce, and I would like there to be moderations and multiple options for all players, of all prefernces. It just seem to me, from the very short demo we saw, that saber throwing was used allot. How many times have you seen Jedi from the movies do this????


Like i said though, differnt strokes for different fokes....."what you takin' about Willis"

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Guest digl

A game made just like the movie just wouldnt work

Do Jedis in the movies have a mana indicator?no

That means in the game we should have unlimited power? no

You want a game with only the guns and force powers used in the movies, and only with charachters from the movies?Thatd be very boring

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ToRment, you kill me man...but your opinion is your opinion and its kewl....as far as complaning goes, or your statement about hard core gamers killing me with an un-movie like move, I just have to laugh...lol...Games are games, and should be more fantasy than real, even the movies were fantasy, in terms of real life( as we know it now) This is what make games and movies fun...but remeber, if not for the movies this game wouldn't exist....and yes it would be boring if you played Jedi, exactly like the movie....your preference is your preference....who knows, you may play against a " HARDCORE" gamer...lol..like me, NF Sabers, and complain about getting killed becuase I only used Fire 1 on you....You prefer multiple options with multiple force powers...this is were you say you excel??? I think thats great and you should play what you like the best! Because I prefer NF Sabers, for many reasons, you can see why I would be conserned with this....some players play "JEDI" Knight, to play the role of a "JEDI", as created and known to us from the movies....and like I said, there HAS to be a certain element of video game quality when playing, however, moderations and keeping the gameplay as close to way the "JEDI" character was written and CREATED,is my prefernce...but whatever floats you boat man and you should try and accept other peoples opinons, as I apreciate yours and think its kewl...... :D

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for what it's worth, i do recall Vader throwing his saber at Luke during their battle on the second Death Star so saber-throwing is movie-like. Although i dont remember if his saber came back to him or if he had to retrieve it. Will have to dig out my vcr tape and watch it again to find out.IMO saber-throwers should have a window of vulnerability while using this power for better gameplay balance.(CONC. TIME!) :D

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Guest Kurgan

The great thing about JK and MotS is that there are a wide variety of options that let you play the game the way you want to, and you can mix it up if you get tired of the same old thing. In this way, the games can have a wide appeal to a lot of different players and playing styles.


This was in contrast to Dark Forces 1, which although a great game, was pretty limited in its scope. After all, it was single player only, and you couldn't save, etc. The only thing that kept you playing were the user created mods that you could get off the internet. JK and MotS could appeal to more people because they had more options and choices you could make.


Of course, it's not LEC or Raven's fault if in one of their games, a group of people decide to play the game one way, and "overuse" certain weapons or powers or features. Heck, I got sick of people playing NF Canyon Oasis all the time in JK. But you know what? I could just start my own game with my own options set and play that way, with people who enjoyed playing with those settings (quite a few).


And tastes change, and so do playing styles. A style that is popular with the masses can later be discarded after people realize that playing another way can be more fun or challenging, etc. and people figure out new strategies, secrets, whatever.


I figure that if JK2 follows this same model of providing a wide variety of features, options, and open-ended gameplay, it can be just as successful if not moreso, and it will have something for everyone in the community.



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