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hello, im the new guy


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hey, im the new guy in town? hows it goin? i will be here for a while, up until and during the release i hope, how you guys doin?

ive played JK since it came out (actually a month after) so im as excited as everyone else to get started on JKII. ill be talkin to you all later :)

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Guest Boba Rhett

You shouldn't be talking about warez here. :eek:


GonkH8er, It was funny but I guess it just hit a little to close to home. :D

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sorry rhett. i just read your post at jk.net. sorry to hear that man. my condolences to you and your family. our family's had a bad run over the last few years with the same thing, and its really hard because they were all cancer and stretched out over long periods of suffering. its horrible.



sorry for what i said. i didnt know....


and might i once again congratulate holland on becoming the first country to legalize euthanasia.

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Guest Boba Rhett

I'm sorry you had to go through that too. :( Cancer has got to be one of the worst things for a person and their family to endure.


Knowing that your going to go through the rest of your life without that person that you love makes you look forward to that one beautiful day when you'll be with all of them again.


Maybe cancer as well as other illnesses are here for a reason. Perhaps they're here to teach us patience, faith, maybe even to endure to the end. Or perhaps to realize, after that person is gone, that if there's any way that you'll be able see them, talk to them, tell them how much you love them, again, your going to do whatever it takes to do so.

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hey, im at very high risk, along with the rest of my family, but ill just enjoy life while i can and hope by the time it happens to me, if it does, theyll be able to cure it, or at least ill have the completely legal option to choose not to suffer.

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