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Can't Get Into Massassi...

Kurt Plummer

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Hey Ho,


Tried and didn't like AOTL and SPORK and am now hoping to give Saber Battle X a test drive.


Unfortunately, Massassi continually connects for a single hit and then bumps me off again, almost immediately.


Don't think I've pissed anyone off over them but I'm only using a 56K and Netscape so perhaps I don't have the speed or the script to get in.


Would somebody please give me a pointer to an alternate download site or help me get on long enough to get the file?



Many Thanx- Kurt Plummer

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Last Time somebody tried to sell me on IE, it was with the excuse that the older 4.51 version of NS had page script limitations that the newer versions of various web page software just doesn't recognize or 'allow'.


Dunno if it's true but the main Massassi page is still out of bounds to me.




Thanks sir, got it in one! _Much Appreciated_.




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Yeah Babe-ay!:-))


Now /that's/ what I'm talkin' about!


I not only survived all but the three tiggers room of Dromund Kaas without Boinga'ing but I managed to have a good time!


Death to the Stone Putty Tats!


Sabre-X forever!


Okay, would someone Pretty Pretty PREEETTY PLEASE show me the way to the JK version of same? Thanks.


Man do I like having a blade that _swings_...



Kurt Plummer

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