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Photoshop 6


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Hi gang. I've just got PS 6 and I have seen some of you lot do some cool stuff, like making a lightsaber glow and all that plus loads of other things.


Could any of you tell me how to do some good stuff like that? or possible send me some of your PS files to have a mess around with.






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Good choice in programs.... stay away from that evil PSP stuff :)


ive got a few tutorials on lightsabers around here somewhere, and i got about 2/3 of the way through writing my own....... so ill see if i can find them. ive got some other tutes too. ill get back to you asap


[ September 25, 2001: Message edited by: GonkH8er ]

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I got a great way to make lightsabers/blasters. Just make a white line the length you want it, and a somewhat thin thickness. Then, duplicate the layer, gaussian blur it by the thickness of the line; repeat 3-5 times. Then, combine every layer of glow(except the core, or the line itself), and do CTRL+L . Then, mix and match different amounts of red, white and blue.



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