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Wow.... a deal..


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OK, check this out. I have a great deal. would you buy this computer? Check out this deal I've found... It's a brand new computer with an AMD 900 MHz processor, 20 gig hard drive (7200 RPM) and 256 megs of RAM with Windows XP. GET THIS. THE PRICE IS 599. I don't see ANYBODY who can match that. It's almost insane. What a price... Of course that's not all of the features, but that's the basic stuff. There's also a really cool financing deal thingy (I don't quite understand it yet) that makes it really easy to pay for. What would you say?

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im sure i spent less than that building my most recent computer (month or so back) that was a duron 850, ati graphics, 20 gig hd, phillups cd-rw... i think i spent just under 500... but thats not a bad price by anymeans, i would defently check out the seller and look over everything it includes...

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Yeah. It's from this brand new company. Really small, but pretty good stuff. They build (appearently) custom made computers for you and then sell them for really low (almost wholesale) prices. With my Voodoo 3 (hopefully also a GF3 pretty soon) it'll be a really fun machine to play with...

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Which AMD processor does it include? I would suggest building your own, or at least buying a barebones system and doing the rest yourself. The advantage to doing this is that you'll be sure to get exactly what you want. Alot of these places will sell you a computer that has little to no upgrading capabilities. If the system already has everything that you want, go for it. I know I can't wait until I build a new system, this 800 MHZ Duron isn't as powerful as I thought that it would be. Some of my friends are running almost double the framerates on their GHZ machines(both Pentium and new AMD's).

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Guest Krayt Tion

Well let's take a look.


Athlon T-bird 900Mhz OEM (Is this place even giving you a T-bird or just regular athlon?): 45 + 10 shipping = $55


ECS K7S5A mobo (I assume you don't have an athlon DDR mobo?): 62 + 5 shipping = $67


256MB Crucial PC2100 DDR RAM: $29.68 free shipping :D

Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 20 Gig 7200 rpm HD OEM: 76 + 8 shipping = $84


WinXP Home upgrade: $99 (Assuming you have either 98, 98SE, or ME CD still in your possession for the reinstall)


Total = 334.68


Now, that's assuming you still have a decent case w/ Athlon-approved Power Supply, a CD-ROM drive or burner, soundcard, and floppy that you can use again. Only thing you might really need is the case with athlon-approved PSU, and with a whole list here to choose from I'm sure you can find a decent case/psu for another 55 bucks. You'd still be under 400 dollars.


All those parts I listed are also quality parts from respected online vendors (which are probably better than what they'll stick you with); I didn't even choose the cheapest parts and the lowest prices!


So, if you really want to pay them 200 dollars or more to put your PC together for you... that is your choice. :)


[edit: Thread moved successfully]


[ October 24, 2001: Message edited by: Krayt Tion ]

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u could do mutch better for 600$

heres the current comp i'm buildin


[*]AThlon XP 1700$ (1.47ghz) 125$


[*]Swiftech MC462a Heatsink 60$


[*]Delta 80mm Fan 10$


[*]Shuttle Kt266a Mobo 100$


[*]Good full tower case (i've used this same type of case for 3yrs now)comes with 300watt PSU 65$


[*]2x 256mb Pc2400 DDR 60$


[*]10gb udma hd to replace the 40gb 7200rpm drive i'm takin out of my current comp, 30-50$


[*]some sorta Dsound compatible sound card to replace the SBlive i'm taken from my current comp 20$


[*]Cdrom 52x 30$ or possibly a DvD 12x 40$


[*] and finaly a voodoo 3 to replace the Geforce II gts that i'm taken outa my current comp 20$




So that tallys to 530$ top o line too now if i wasnt stealing from my current comp like i am, add bout 150$ onto the score=$680

pretty cheap for a comp that can beat a P4 2ghz the P4 costs over 500$ jus for the cpu...

Also i dont mess with mail order for anyof this except for the heatsink as its a specialty item, i buy most of my compents from hamfests, computer shows... these places sell thier stuff cheaper then u prob gonna find on pricewatch.com least hamfests do Compshows are a little bit iffy, some people jus want to take a neophyte for all his money at comp shows so be on ure toes there... but many good deals are found there too.


[ October 26, 2001: Message edited by: Red_XIIII ]


[ October 26, 2001: Message edited by: Red_XIIII ]

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First Guy:


Wow, look at this awesome system I got! (rambles on about specs).


Second Guy:


Oh yeah? Well I got that same thing, FOR NOTHING!

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