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Sig test


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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

Ah, yes. THE Lady Jedi as she is supposed to look before they let Shannon Baksa the MODEL ruin the strong presence that Mara Jade had before.

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ahh ok.


So you are linking that off someone elses site. tut tut.


Righto, You need to get access to some free web space like geocities and upload it to them



If that for whatever reason that is not possible could anyone here host the picture for lady jedi?




[ November 24, 2001: Message edited by: wardz ]

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You will wait till he has uploaded it to his space.


Then he will tell you the address. From there you will just need to change the address of your sig to his address.


its simple stuff. : )


ok. now im going to bed. 01:30




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