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hey what am i now? am i still a mercenary? no! yer! oh yer! i am now a jedi knight. oh yeah! its good its good! i am also going to put my personally signed picture of Anthony daniels as my Sig, once i figure out how. he signed it and its framed and he said may the force be with you and he wrote my name and oh yeah!!!! its all good !! :D:D:D



sorry guys. got a bit excited there. :)

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Congrats on becoming a Jedi Knight.


*hands Access_fluX a chocolate Lightsaber*


There you go. ;)


BTW, why not scan in that pic for your sig? Then all you have to do is upload it to the net (not Tripod or some others...they don't allow remote access of image files), and make a link to it. :)

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

That Sig is hilarious. Did Britney really say that? I find it hard to believe because of the absurdity of it, yet easy because it's her. :D So, is it for real.


Oh, Btw, all this Sig talk inspired me to change mine again. Whatd'ya think?

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

Hands Termie a congratulatory gift basket including a copy of "Fortress Draconis" Ummm, if you don't want the book, I'll take it for you. :D Congrats

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