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Guest Sherack Nhar

If everyone will be able to become a jedi, casual and hardcore gamers alike, then I'm not even sure that I'll buy the game.


MMORPG stays around for a long time compared to other games. Take a look at Everquest: it's been like, two or three years since it's been released? And it's still as popular as ever. Now, if everyone can be a jedi in Galaxies, imagine how it will be 2-3 years down the road! Thousands of jedi per games, in an era when Emperor Palpatine sought the decimation of the Old Religion. Darth Vader himself won't be able to run after all of 'em!


If they absolutely want everyone to become a Jedi, then it must be REALLY long before becoming one (I'm thinking about 3-4 years). Plus, it must be hard, and when you FINALLY become one, you should be on any Bounty Hunter's list and have the Empire chasing you throughout the galaxy, because that's how it would be in the real Star Wars universe, IMHO.

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Matt-Windu, forming a JKII.NET'ers town is an awesome idea. We should definitely do it. If and when we do, what should we call our town? Which planet do you think that our town of kick-ace gamers should be on? And which faction do you want this town to be? I'm thinking neutral, just so we can accomodate all of our people. But, what do you think?


Ok, Sherack Nhar, you have very valid points, and i agree with you, except on the length of time it should take to become a Jedi. I think it should only take roughly 3 or 4 months, for an average gamer like me, who will play this game 4-6hrs a day. Otherwise, its far too long in my opinion. I mean, it should be hard to become one, but shouldnt be that long, unless your sent on a quest and you cant figure it out for the life of you. Now, your idea for a Jedi to be on the lists for bounty hunters, is an awesome idea, i love it.

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i would love to be a nobody smuggler or mercenary. and im am really hoping that they will impliment a way to play sabbacc. cause i have been waiting to play sabbacc for years! that would be great, unless i lose my possitions, then it would, uhh suck.


...and does the fact that you will have to buy the game, and then have to pay monthly charges piss anyone else off other than me? the game and the concept look awersome!! but i dont wanna pay monthly charges if i only get to it onve a month, or not at all. if they would make it free i would be much more apt to buy it!! i prob will anyway though.

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"We are not “pre-determining” whether a character can become a Jedi or not. Also, being “hardcore” is not a qualifier used in becoming a Jedi. Our system is designed to allow the casual player, as well as the hardcore player, the opportunity to become a Jedi. 4.03 from Jedi and Light Sabers:"


That was a quote from FAQ on thier site.

Here is another:


"yes. Any character, regardless of species, has the potential to become a Jedi."4.05



Who knows????

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Guest Sherack Nhar
Originally posted by matt-windu:

<STRONG>in the developer's digest they noted that the jedi system would be modified constantly to ensure that jedi were extremely rare.</STRONG>


You mean even after the game is released? Excellent! As long as there aren't more than a hundred of Jedi per games, I'll be fine with the system.


acdcfanbill - I prefer to have to pay for a small monthly fee than to have to endure a Diablo II-style lag-fest because of the lack of server maintenance. :mad:

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