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New Forum Name Contest / Vote

Guest Aristotle

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Guest Vagabond

The Holonet is a Star Wars term, not a copyrighted word that theforce.net has rights to. I'm not sure if you were implying that, but in any event I believe the Holonet can be used by us and them, that is if enough people like it. They certainly can't sue us over it.

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I think all the names are clever and its nice to see everyone is expressing there imaginations: My suggestions, although it may be wierd:

" Vadors Hard-Drive "


Gives you the idea that raw data, or ideas can be posted and makes you wonder what types of data Vador stored in that suite of his.....lol....I'm ready for all the laughs on this one, but I stand by my vote!

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I didnt mean that at all Vag, I meant that just as the cantina is used at jk.net, holonet is used there, the first thing that came to my mind when I read it was theforce.net, thats why I said it should be something original, like MEWH :)

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Guest Vagabond

That's what I figured, digl. I still wouldn't mind us using it too, though.


Hmmm, I'm looking over at theforce.net right now, and I don't see the word "Holonet" at their forums. In fact, they seem to just call them the "Jedi Council Discussion Forums". Maybe they used "Holonet" in the past, but they don't appear to anymore. That would make it "ok" for us ;)

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You're a very sick person...err...ewok




ok...I'm redirected back and it's now the swamp. I like it...but how about Yoda's Swamp, or Dagobah Swamp. I mean, I've got a swamp within 5 miles of my house and I go by it frequently, but I've never see a Jedi there. :)


[ June 28, 2001: Message edited by: matt-windu ]

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

Awww, come on, "The Swamp" ??? what kind of name is that. At least do something with a ring to it. "Moldy Crow Cantina" was nice. How 'bout "The Valley of the Jedi" think about it: "The Valley of the Jedi": Give the lightsaber a rest, let the Force recharge, and discuss just about any topic of interest with fellow Jedi in "The Valley of the Jedi"...(JKII and non JKII topics allowed.)


See, that name implies a sorta large type area to discuss anything and is a name straight from the Jedi Knight series, which makes this site look very, very, very, proffesional. :D


So, anyway, just another idea. Any votes are welcome and any token insults are expected :D


[ June 28, 2001: Message edited by: JediKnight_114 ]

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He just changed the name for the hell of it. It isn't final or anything.


About TF.N's Holonet. Their Holonet is the name for Miscellaneous news section. Not a forum name. Although I can see where you're coming from digl, I don't have a problem with this forum being named the Holonet being "unoriginal". I for one am fine with it.


And the people that run TF.N aren't scum bags. They wouldn't be pissed, and they wouldn't even notice anyhow. Furthermore, Lucasgames has a good relationship with TF.N. TF.N used to give JK.net news to post on the JK.net's main page, and JK.net supplied TF.N with gaming news. If TF.N did see the Holonet name, and for some strange reason they wanted us to change it, there probably wouldn't be any hard feelings. Again, this situation is pretty doubtful.

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Anyone of you still got the Episode II teaser trailer ? PLEASE e-mail it to me. I'm stuck here now with a restricted (but still functioning) limited internet access. I can't download anything. My adress( actually my mother's(I'm temporarily using it, silly!)) is witch.2@memo.absa.co.za and make it the heading "From Theforce.net". If you don't have it, download it for free at :


The force.net homepage


Please , after you have downloaded it will you PLEASE e-mail it to me ?



Now, back to bussiness. This was formerly the Theed Hangar, right ? what's happened to the name ?



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I think we should forget any names to do with jedi for this forum, this is supposed to be non JK related stuff and it would make things easier if it were called something like Yoda's Swamp.


Aristotle, why don't you try my name out for size? Just for a day... go on,





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Guest Vagabond

I agree with the sentiment that it needs to be a name that doesn't give the impression that the forum is for discussion of Jedi-related topics. We've already had a bit of confusion on this matter in the past, so it would be wise of us to not further the confusion.


It sounds like some people are interested in the Holonet, and there is some interest in the Smuggler's Den, and the Moldy Crow Cantina as well.


I don't like Yoda's swamp because, well, he's a Jedi Master, and that makes me think that the forum may be for discussion JKII topics as well.


I, personally, like Nar Shadda Hideout better than the Smuggler's Den, because the den is more specific to smugglers, while a hideout could be for anyone to hide, and discuss non-JKII topics.


As guidelines for naming this forum, I would urge people to come up with a name that:


1. Doesn't have anything to do with a Jedi.

2. Itsn't silly or absurd.

3. Has a nice caché to it.

4. Is Star Wars related.

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How about "obi-wankenobis net"? geddit?


Nah, dont worry, that one isn't serious :D


I quite like "Watto's Workshop", but perhaps that could be used for the editing forum or something.


To be honest, I think we have had the best ideas and they are going to be the

"cantina-ish", "hideout" sort of things. Mainly because they provide a contrast to the main JK2 theme going on in the other forum..



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Guest Krayt Tion

I for one am not too thrilled by seeing run of the mill Star Wars people or locations with Cantina or something of the sort slapped on the end.


It ends up sounding so generic and impersonal. When you visit San Fransico, do you get all excited when you see San Fransico Club, or in New York when you are about to enter the New York Cantina?


Even Mos Epsa Watering Hole wasn't that good. They liked the Watering Hole part which was suggested by me in Watto's Watering Hole and added the generic name of the city of Mos Espa. Keeping the Watto would have been equally lame, so I am guilty of this uncreative process as well.


I vote for a name that instead of combining generic Star Wars thing A with various generic names for meeting places B, describes something relevant to the game we play.


Don't remember who suggested it, but The Saber's Rest is in the same vein that these conditi0ns dictate. We stop playing our multiplayer slash em up and we give our sabers a rest and come chat about other things. Another example of this, though not one that would be approriate for this forum would be the DownTime, which was a Tap Cafe in the X-Wing series where pilots gathered to hang out and have a few drinks during what is appropriately called their Down Time when they were not flying or preparing for missions.


[ June 28, 2001: Message edited by: Krayt Tion ]

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Guest Krayt Tion

I already said that DownTime would not be appropriate for this forum and that is was only an example.

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