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New Forum Name Contest / Vote

Guest Aristotle

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Why do you think that there could be problems with tf.net?thats absurd

I was only referring to the originality of the name, I never talked about a rivality between the sites



I like the smugglers cantina

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Yes, I agree with the majority, a name that is not directly asociated with "Jedi" is the best bet. I like Smugglers Den also. How about a name that off-sets the Jedi name, and keeps a similar feel as the Jedi Temple with a differnt pupose like, The Padawan Palace, or the Apprentice Club House...lol...just some random thoughts, but you get the idea.



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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

Even if they did post here about JKII, what is the big deal? It says that JKII and non JKII topics are allowed. Besides, everyone in the Jedi Temple is always griping about how too many people re-post in there, so this place certainly wouldn't hurt from extra people.

Once again, I vote we keep The Valley of the Jedi. But, if not for this board, how 'bout we use the Valley of the Jedi to re-name the Jedi Temple. Doesn't that have a better ring than Jedi Temple.


In the movie, we see the Jedi Temple as a very large, quiet place meant for serious contemplation. On the other hand, we all saw The Valley of the Jedi as a place of tense battle. Thousands of Jedi fought and died there only to have their spirits trapped within. It was a place of great reckoning, where the fate of the Universe hinged on one last battle between Dark and Light.


A bit more exciting than Jedi Temple huh?


So, all in favor of The Valley of the Jedi replacing the Jedi Temple, speak up.


And for the record, I will humbly withdraw my vote for The Valley of the Jedi for this forum.


Thank you

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Guest ChrisC3po

Final call for names!


Later tonight, the JKII.net staff will be going through this massive thread selecting 5 or 6 names. These suggestions will appear in this weeks poll, giving the entire community a chance to name this forum.


Each of you has our thanks for all of the suggestions and comments .

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-The Moldy Crow Cantina

-Stromtrooper's Infirmary

-Arena of Ideas...and Idiots

-Nar Shaddaa Grill & Bar

-Jerec's Hotel of Love


I think Valley of the Jedi should replace "The Jedi Temple" since it is more related to the game JediKnight.


[ June 30, 2001: Message edited by: TheJackal ]

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Ah! I just saw the poll. WeeGee's and Yoda are currently leading the pack at 33.3%


I, personnaly, do not like Yoda's Swamp because I dont find it completly related to the Dark Forces series. But if the visitors vote for it, then that is the name of this forum.

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