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Go Buy 'Max Payne' Now!

Guest ZeroXcape

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AWESOME. You've gotta download it! (Right click, save target as.) A pic I took of a certain... thing. ;)


There are also other easter eggs in the game.


A password to the laundry room is "John Woo".

Some guards are talking about action movies and bullet time.

Two thugs are speaking REM lyrics near a fire when you leave the hotel... "This is the end of the world as we know it. I don't fell fine..."

Elevator music in an elevator--you shoot the speaker, and Max says "Thank you!"


And, I haven't seen/heard this, but people have told me about it:

A news flash is on a TV... Something to the effect of "The Aeris Corporation will soon have a bigger monopoly than Micro*static*..."

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you will be able to hack it...a little better than minimum...but it wont be nearly as beautiful as a standard requirement system

if things keep expanding technologically, you will need to buy a new computer to play Outcast almost definitely...i am and i have 800 Mhz...im definitely gonna be over the Ghz mark before i tackle Outcast

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PreTZ, are you at the same spot as before? We're near the same area; I just passed that part.


So, you killed that one boss dude, and Max says "Two down, one to go..."


You walk out of that room, and there should be the final boss shooting a few ingram rounds at you. Fire a round or 20 back, and he'll retreat. Do not go downstairs. Stay on the second floor, and head near the single door that it opposite of where you currently stand. Walk over there, and try to open the door. It won't.


Inside, you'll hear two guys talking:

"Hey, it's Max Payne! He's gonna get us."

"Don't worry about it; this will stop him. It can stop anything!"


Back away from the door immediately, as the guy shoots a grenade your way, blasting the door open. Definitely save at this point, it'll take a few tries.


If you shootdodge or bullet time your way in there, you're dead meat. I really hope you have a grenade left. You have to get the angle right, and chuck the grenade in there so it lands near the guy, but not be in the doorway where he can nail you. Took me a few tries, but it can be done.


After you do that, clear the room, then kill the final guy of the trio. Walk into the next room, have a conversation with the boss, get busted by the feds or some group, and wake up in another dream.



God damn, those dream levels sux0r. Only part I dislike about the game so far.

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ok canoli, thanks for your help!

it appears as if the door just wouldnt blast outward last time...it did this time :)

i think im on the last chapter its called "nothing to lose" id assume its the last chapter because...everything seems to be climaxing here...

ill play it later, i want to save it for a while :D

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just finished the game :D

interesting ending it took me a while to figure out that after you *** *** ***** you have to then ****** * *******....i could get the first part but didnt figure out the second!!!

im glad i killed that evil woman though...i am eager to see if there is a sequel...maybe they will think it through a little better for some variety

out of a possible 100%

i give it a 89% :)

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I just finished it. Awesome game. People are complaining about its length, but the game lasted just about as long as I want SP games to last me. This is probably the second or third most enjoyable SP experiences I've ever had. Frankly the only thing I *really* disliked were the two dream levels- they flat out sucked. A couple other problems was that the first mode was too easy (I finished the game with full health and all 8 painkillers) and that the game was extremely linear. Most of the game was confined to buildings that had only one route; not much exploration can be done here.


I'll rate some of the aspects of the game.

Sound-10.0 [Perfect. Fit the atmosphere perfectly. All of the enemies speak. You sneak up behind them and hear them talking on the other side of the wall. Great voice acting all around.]

Graphics-9.5 [Great graphics too, as you can tell from the screenshots. Aweome texturing. Nice models. I had some hitches in framerate every once in a while.]

Gameplay-9.4 [Awesome. Bullet-time saves Max Payne from being your average shoot-em-up. Tight, sweet controls make this the best third person shooter. Ever. But I can't get over how damn terrible the two dream levels are. I thought we ditched walking on tight lines and platform jumping a few years ago.]

Replay Value-??? [ugh. Who knows? With no multiplayer available (and believe me, bullet-time would not work in multiplayer) this may be a game I only play once. Yeah, there are two extra "modes" if I can even call them that. One makes it harder and one makes you beat it quickly. This one will come down to the editing community and see if they can pull off some great mods/TC's (Matrix, anyone?). Oh, and speaking of editing... editing isn't my thing by any means. But their WYSIWYG editor ain't as user friendly as they claimed. Only time will tell...]


Bottom line: Go out and buy the damn game already.

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