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Guest crazy_dog

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hey! this guy whos calling himself delphi isn't delphi.




delphi, whenever he has posted on other forums (ra2 ones), has used proper english + spelling + punctuation:

'you have to finde them good luck'


delphi hardly ever posts on forums specifiacally about ra2 - why would he be here?


ww removed the dino skirmish missions before release (so im told), as well as the moon ones.


look at this guys profile. not very professional:


biography : uhh im a good graphics desighner - he can't even spell designer.




If you want dino maps, you'll probably have to wait till ww releases them in a mappack, or till the yr version of fa2 (map editor) comes out. there'll be tons of fan-made ones then.


why not come to the raden forums (http://denforums.gamingincite.com/index.php?s=)

to ask about ra2 stuff. its the best forums in the comunity, and people will actually help you there, instead of impersonating ww employes!!

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Your not Delphi. If you were you would have at least an elementary level understanding of grammar. Not to say that I am, and use, good grammar I can say that I try and make the small typo here and there. Oh well, If you are Delphi I think you would know a tad more and would act a little more like the real Delphi. ;)

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Don't accuse a person without solid evidence...


I went to the RA2 forums to check it out...an associate of Delphis posted this...


hello delphi has told me about you he said i should contact you welcome to our littel ughh i mean big group here hehe if you have any quetions just ask me i'm always here hehe


(BTW, Delphi if you can post in the " Hello All !!! " thread I made to prove it...It would solve alot of things...)


BTW, Luke he knows...ALOT...actually that is an understatement...

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Ok, fine. Ill agree with the statement that you are3 Delphi until I can see some solid evidence. *mumbles away* *turns around and screams TB IS BETTER THAN RA2!*

Runs away.

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Guest Thrawn's Clone
Originally posted by Delphi-WS

EDITED by Thrawn




You must be new here.

I am Chris Rubyor. I can use proper english if I want to. I just don't "fell" :rolleyes: like doing it. I am here for fun and fun only. And I think most people here know that and accept it.


Your Delphi-WS


Suuuurrrrreeeeee. . .

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Guest Tie Guy

Just let the man go guys. If he is the real Delphi, as he says, then thats wonderfull, and i'm very glad he is here with us. If he isn't, oh well, don't get mad. He can post here anyways and have a good time doing it without you guys breathing down his back or accusing him. If he wants to post tips, let him, but he shouldn't post false things, no one should.

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