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Guest Vagabond

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Guest Vagabond

ZeroXcape, Kurgan, et al,


Hey guys, my profile seems to have been reinitalized during the forum changes. I can no longer administer nor moderate any of the forums, and I have like 3 posts now? I'm not so concerned about my # of posts, but the ability look after the forums is fairly significant.


Also, my JKII email and FTP accounts appear to be broken - I noticed the FTP thing last night as I was attempting to update some info. for my current column.


Lastly, as an FYI, and not directly related to the forum problems is that I installed a router at my home about six weeks ago, and since that time I haven't been able to ICQ either ZeroXcape or Kurgan. Z, just so you know, I HAVE been working on an article, like you suggested - I replied, but I now suspect that you didn't receive it. Anyway, the article should be ready in a couple of weeks, maybe sooner. I attempted to email you, but apparently all JKII emails are also on the blink.


I posted all of this in the Valley of the Jedi forum in a thread called, "ZeroXcape", so if you read this here first, you can ignore it there.


So, if either of you get a free moment to fix me back up, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks guys.

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