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Crazy Stuff


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Well hello there my fellow SWGB fans its been awhile since ive made a post because of reasons you probably know cough*playing games*cough but to no avail i have brought you entertainment once again!!! As some of you know last time we had a friendly visit with Spank, The Monkey where we tried to spank that foolish cute monkey with a big white hand =) Now from the same place ive found an even most intresting thing todo (its very educational...seriously) My words cannot exlpain it so just click the URL below:




Have Fun and heres the link to once again see Spank the monkey Enjoy!!



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Originally posted by GB_StormTrooper

yea that monkey ive gotten over 1k its pretty cool and by the way i like your new avatar wraith 9 or wait, you might be a different wraith....:)


Oh come on!!! :( there is now only one Wraith 9... that is me.

And there is only one Wraith 5........ so :p


Yeah i have got the avatar from S1DC... he makes realy cool avatars and sigs..

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