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Of .mats and .bms


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Okay, two questions:


Firstly, a while back I recall coming across a utility for viewing bm files and converting to and from bmps. I've long since lost the URL, and I'm wondering if anyone has it.


The second question is related to a skinpack that I've been <small>not</small> working on for years. Most of the 3dos are getting close to being done, but now I find myself needing mats. could anyone point me toward some "mattable" (i.e., straight-on, full-frontal/full-dorsal) pictures from Xena/Hercules? It's a skinpack of Amazons, FYI.


Thanx in advance.

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The main cog for the Xena TC (i.e., the only one that I haven't seen done before) would be the throwable chakram.


I'd think it'd be based on the ricochet effect from the bowcaster-bolt.


Xena (or any MP character) throws the chakram. The chakram keeps ricocheting, doing damage to (and perhaps ricocheting off of) any characters it hits except for Xena. If it "hits" Xena she'd "catch" it, and it'd return to the inventory.


The trick would be the ricochet, the target identifier (so that only the Thrower could catch it), and the "one-weapon only" (so that the weapon vanishes from the inventory when it's being thrown). Kinda like throwing the lightsaber in MotS, only without the auto-return feature.

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