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Vehicles/turrrets in JK2 ?


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Will there be any playable vehicles and/or mannable turrrets that the player could use ?

It would be cool if we could have a cool speeder race/shootout with some stormtroopers. Or just use some gun turrets to mow down some bad guys :D


Turrets and vehicles were presented well in Red Faction and HALO but is there any plans to include such feature in Jedi Knight 2 ?



Morph :trooper:

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bad news for you morhpeus

It seems there wont be vehicles


read the official faq, they ask exactly the same question you do, and the answer is something like "there will be turrets"

So I assume no vehicles


That doesnt mean someone wont make a mod...

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Originally posted by Morpheus4873

Will there be any playable vehicles and/or mannable turrrets that the player could use ?


First of all, welcome, and I hope you enjoy your (hopefully long) stay here :)


Now down to business -


Turrets: Yes (I'm fairly certain)


Vehicles (playable): Not sure, but I seem to remember a Dev saying no... could be wrong tho :D


Check the 'official' faq for more details here


It might answer some of the other q's i'm sure you have...


[EDIT] Damn. You beat me to it, digl. :mad::D;) [/EDIT]



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Originally posted by digl

dont worry, we help newbies here :)



Ahh Gracias Senior :D


:trooper: Morph


EDIT: The site worked for me ;)

And I plan to stay here for a while. I've been with Raven since before Elite Force came out and I am sticking with them for a long while to come ;)


And thanks all for the warm welcome :)

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