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Are you going to get windows XP?

Link Antilles

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Guest Boba Rhett

Well aren't you going to explain why your not going to? :) I might "upgrade" to it in a few months after they've caught the major bugs and fixed them.

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Guest Luke Skywalker

When buying a Micro$oft Product you must follow two simple rules;


Rule number 1)Never pre-order because there are always bugs, buy it 2 to 3 months after.


Rule number 2)Never get you hopes too high on a Micro$oft product.

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... I got XP. I like it


Nothing wrong with it yet. It's very stable. And if you have a certain program that was made to run on windows95 or WindowsNT or WindowsME its no problem. WIndowsXP is compatible with all of the above (all versions of Windows). You simple left click the link/program and select which operating system that the program is more compatible too.


You can also have the new interface which is featured with XP or the classical one. Up to you.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Well aren't you going to explain why your not going to? :) I might "upgrade" to it in a few months after they've caught the major bugs and fixed them.





Oh yeah I forgot.:)



I'm little low on cash, because I getting the 400$ Game Cube

bundle!(JOY!) I'll probelly get it IF though with a new computer or IF I urgrade my computer.

Till then, No.


(Nintendo rules!)



K :D

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Guest Darth G

yah... i'm using xp as well... i like it.


Very stable, my friends have been trying to crash it, but they got no success. Love the new interface.

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I'm using it right now :)


"The Windows That Was Actully Good"


Great UI, and alot of things I would normally use 3rd party are built in e.g. A Simple Data Cd Burner......stable as hell (Only crash I have had is when I installed some bad Detonator Drivers...) .....I don't know if it is worth the $400 price tag (I got the Prof. edition ;) ) but it is defianlty the best Windows so far.....

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I installed a mates copy of XP for a day (shhhh, dont tell anybody ;) ) and I didn't particularly like it. It was obviously designed to be more accesible to the computer illiterate person, and I just didn't feel comfortable with it. It kindly offered to set up my network automatically, and stuffed it up. I couldn't get my network up again, and the internet didnt work either. I am proud to say that I am now back on good ol' Windows 98.

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Guest Luke Skywalker
Originally posted by roach

good ol' Windows 98.


Sense when was it good? Did I miss a year or two? It crashed the most and it was very unstable. :(

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Originally posted by roach

I installed a mates copy of XP for a day (shhhh, dont tell anybody ;) ) and I didn't particularly like it. It was obviously designed to be more accesible to the computer illiterate person, and I just didn't feel comfortable with it. It kindly offered to set up my network automatically, and stuffed it up. I couldn't get my network up again, and the internet didnt work either. I am proud to say that I am now back on good ol' Windows 98.


huh... for those who are not "computer illiterate" you can see it and modify it to your whim. It's very editable and you can even set it up to have the classical Win98 look if you dont like it.

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Guest Luke Skywalker

YES! I have done it! I have crashed XP! It was hard and long but I did it. I had 52 programs running....OMG that means *gasp* its stable. :eek:

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LOL luke :)


I guess I should probably explain that my computer isnt exactly the best. I am using an old brick of a laptop with 233hz, and the XP minimum specs are 300hz or something like that :D. I have just had some good fun with 98 over the years (except for the stupid crashing I must admit, damn you to hell Bill Gates :p)

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