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LucasArts Christmas songs


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My Favorite Things


Red paint on mummies,

And rootbeer on zombies,

Musical monkeys,

And brown fur on Yetis,

Skeletal reapers,

Cursed diamond rings,

These are a few of my favorite things . . .


Long-winded salesmen,

And sadistic nurses,

Microwaved hamsters,

An' pirates singing in verses,

A life-crystal crazed German who tries to grow wings,

These are a few of my favorite things . . .


Enchanted figureheads,

A young man named Bobbin,

Weird aliens in disguises who try to,

scramble my noggin,

A girl named Laverne who constantly screams,

These are a few of my favorite things . . .


When the skull talks,

When Conroy sings,

When LEC sold Sam and Max,

I simply reinstall my favorite games,

And then I don't feel like crap. . .


Mummies....hmmm zombies...


La dee da, la dee da,

La dee da, da,

These are a few of my favorite things . . .


When the skull talks,

When Conroy sings,

When LEC sold Sam and Max,

I simply reinstall my favorite games,

And then I can finally relax. . .


And then I don't feel like crap. . .


*I somehow can't get over the feeling that it's stuff like this that's gonna be the deciding point in the decision of my going to heaven or hell*

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Walking In A Winter Wonderland


Slayed folk wail, are you shaking

Pirate tales, are in the making

Grab A Ship and a crew, theyres nothing much else to do

Plundering with Mr L Legrande...


Someone's dead, alert the reapers

Send a message, to their beepers

And Don't ask me why, dont tell the Calavera Guy

Bringing the deceased into our land...


In the meadow we can ride a "Corley"

We can race those wierd freelance police

And if perhaps a few of us ride poorly

We can always smear their tyres with some grease


Later On, we'll conspire

Plotting dreams, by the fire

A tentacles needs

High Ambitions and greed

Ruling this entire earthly land

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Originally posted by Ben Whatsisname

Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer

(The Land of the Dead Follow-up)


Grandma got run over by a reindeer

Walking home from her kid's house Christmas eve.

She walked into Senor Calavara's office,

And Manny breathed a sigh of releif.


She'd been drinkin' too much egg nog,

And they'd begged her not to go.

But she'd left her medication,

And she stumbled out the door into the snow.


When Manny found her Christmas mornin',

Just a few hours after death.

She had become a naked skeleton,

But still had eggnog upon her breath.


Grandma got run over by a reindeer

Walking home from her kid's house Christmas eve.

She walked into Senor Calavara's office,

And Manny breathed a sigh of releif.


Manny checked the computer in desperation,

He was sure she could be on the 'Nine'.

But her records showed him something different,

Seems Grandma had done some time.


Manny questioned the poor Grandma.

Seems that she wasn't as sweet as she appeared.

She boasted proudly to the Reaper:

"I know 100 ways to cook reindeer."


Grandma got run over by a reindeer

Walking home from her kid's house Christmas eve.

She walked into Senor Calavara's office,

And Manny breathed a sigh of releif.


Mannys heart sank to the floor now

As he reached under the desk.

"It's got a handle in the compass...",

Kicked her out into the street and got depressed.


"Santa, could you send a saint please?

I want to get out of the DoD.

I'll be a good Reaper all year till Christmas,

Just pick someone off of your 'nice list', if you please.


Grandma got run over by a reindeer,

Now she's on her four year journey.

You can say there's no such thing as Christmas karma,

But as for 'el oma diablos', she believes.


*waits for clapping or the clatter of change in his cup*




I saw that grandma got run over by a reindeer the other weekend on cartoon network it was pretty appaling

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I'll try, although most of my english is from http://www.babylon.com and it's not really a christmas-song ;)


What shall we do with the drunken pirate

What shall we do with the drunken pirate

What shall we do with the drunken pirate

here on monkey island


fight against him until he's beaten

fight against him until he's beaten

fight against him until he's beaten

here on monkey island


scare his rat until he's yelling

scare his rat until he's yelling

scare his rat until he's yelling

here on monkey island


whey hey grog gets boozing

whey hey grog makes dozeing

whey hey grog is burning

here on monkey island


cut his wooden leg with a saw

cut his wooden leg with a saw

cut his wooden leg with a saw

here on monkey island


tell him where big whoop is buried

tell him where big whoop is buried

tell him where big whoop is buried

here on monkey island


whey hey grog gets boozing

whey hey grog makes dozeing

whey hey grog is burning

here on monkey island


you may improve/correct/continue this

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Christmas Songs! ROCKS!



While Sheperds Watched their flocks by night


While Pirates, drank their grog by night

They jolted in dismay

A tentacle had wandered in

And used his shrinking ray


The pirates, shaking in their boots

Ran quickest that they could

The tentacle just flattened them

With screams and stains of blood


The Pirate Ghost then walked aboard

He shook old purple's hand

Then Manny, Came to pick them up

And take them to his land


The evil two did rule the world

Until one joy-ous day

The heroes joined together

And took theyre crowns away


They travelled on Bens Motorbike

Their weapon: Indy's whip

But every team has minor flaws

Like Mr Threepwoods Wit


Old Bobbin came in hooded wear

And played a merry tune

Lechuck was chased by Sam & Max

(Although he'll be back soon)


Then Ber-nad grabbed the shrinking ray

Whilst Brink applied the rope

The tentacle was all tied up

Now evil has no hope

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