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Am I Good or What?


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Well hello there again everybody! I have once again found you some good old fashion entertainment. Its only a movie though, a story about a boy which I think you'll find intresting And stupid, but funny. Enjoy! http://www.rathergood.com/vid/


P.S. I also have a funny skit from Thomas The Engine (or somthing like that) from England. Its got foul language and is only for people over the age of 18 (im only 15 :p ) but its not too bad......just PM me if ya want the link (no doubt id be banned if i posted the link here :D ) cya and enjoy:)

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Guest Supreme Warlord

Uhhhh.....uhhhh....that the point of the movie? being pointless? man that movie suck....I wasted a darned 30 second on it:D

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