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Guest Supreme Warlord

Kvan...I heard of the name Kvan before but it was not here in the forums... Hmm could you tell me where you got it from?

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Originally posted by Supreme Warlord

Kvan...I heard of the name Kvan before but it was not here in the forums... Hmm could you tell me where you got it from?

Well I don't know where else you heard this name from. I made it from Kevin, which is my real name. I post on other boards so maybe you could have heard it from one of those :)

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Nah, I'd rather have this name, then all those numbers. I just use the numbered one for really huge things, when it's hard to find a name, like BattleNet and AIM. ;) This name is ok I guess. I think it's the second best, my old name being the best. So long as sll the forummers here still know me as Thrawn. :) If people start not recognizing me. . . :mad:. . . bad things will happen at these forums. ;)

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Yea like hed do that, he loves that name.....hmmmm he should marry it yes, very nice *walks away with a evil smirk on his face except you can see it because hes in a StormTrooper Spacesuit* :D



BTW, don't mind me, Im just a little wired..er heh I mean wired as in I drank too much coffee not wired as in strapped to my...WELL YOU GET THE IDEA!!;)

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Originally posted by captain_drake

well thats nice :confused:


have you changed your name on your malee forum



I'm ALWAYS going to be Thrawn wherever I go! Somethimes I have to use this name, and sometimes, "thrawn12786," but I'll always be Thrawn. :thrawn2: I need to get a new email: thrawn12786. :D It'll drive my friends crazy though, cause I've already changed twice. :D

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That always sucks! I hate it when someone always has Thrawn already! :mad: That's why I have to use other names sometimes. Here's all my alternate names:


GB Forum: Mitth'raw'nuruodo

SSBM World Forum: Thrawn

My SSBM Forum: Thrawn

Red Alert 2 Den Forums: Thrawn

AIM: thrawn12786

BattleNet: thrawn12786

Red Alert 2 Online: thrawn12786


I'm pretty consistant. :)

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