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geforce questions.


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I have a creative annihilator geforce 2GTS 32mg card. Ans while it's great I was thinking about a 64mg card. but with so many cards out and me not having paid attention have got lost...


Isn't a Geforce 2 GTS 64mg card called an geforce 2 Ultra?


But now what is a geforce 2 mx400 64mg? Isn't the GTS a better card then the MX?



What about the geforce 3, thse are now called ti 200, 500 right.


I figured I could get a GTS 64mg for about 100-125 but i have seen Xtasy Geforce 3 Ti cards for almost the same.


can I find a GTS 64mg for under 100 ordo I just lok for a Ti 200?


lots of questions but I am lost.:D

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AFAIK, the Geforce 2 Ultra is the next step up from a Geforce 2 GTS.


The original Geforce 3 is the next step up from a Geforce 2 Ultra.


The Geforce Ti cards are basically GF3's with a bit of extra functionality, but there probably isn't a marked speed increase over a normal GF3.


The GF MX cards are basically GF3's with a lower clock speed, or something like that.


I know I've read about all of this in the past, but I obviously didn't retain it all. :)


If you're thinking of upgrading, I'd go for a GF3, or possibly an MX card if you're on a very tight budget. There's not much point in just going for a Geforce 2 Ultra, because you'll be missing out on the functionality of the GF3, which includes native DirectX 8 support, and optimised Pixel/Vertex shaders to improve texturing and animation performance. The Ti cards also have something to do with Shadow rendering built in, I believe, and a few other tweaks.


Hope that helps. If not, try searching through anandtech, Tom's Hardware, or even nVidia's official site. ;) Or wait for a tech-head to post their glorious words of wisdom. :D

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I hang out at anandtech but thought I would try here first so I could also meet some new guys over here as well.



You post at Anand?


So a MX 64mg is faster then the ultra huh? I saw a few ti cards on buy.com for about 130 or so. I also saw a visiontech 6964 but it said Geforce 2 ti. I thought all Ti cardsere Ge IIIs.:confused:



man, to many choices...

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Cards are class as the following.


GF2MX200 Super Ultra Low End. Do NOT BUY.


GF2MX400 Ultra Low End. Again NOT WORTH THE MONEY.


GF2GTS Now Low End. Not worth their price(normally)


GF2Pro Low-Mid End. Worth it's price if under $130 and with 64MB of RAM.


GF2Ti Mid End. Worth it's price(for now.)


GF2Ultra Now Mid-end. Still overpriced.


GF3Ti200 Mid-high End. Worth price if you can find it under $180.


GF3 High End. Overpriced.


GF3Ti500 High End. DEFINITELY not worth the price.

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