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Designing Group For Naboo Scenario???

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Guest Stan|SCN Punk

Like I said, most of the people that I will accept will not be seasoned veterans. You are certainly allowed to help if you desire to do so :).

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Well, just finished reading this thread. Sounds to me like a lot of talk and no action. Stan if you could, please post your review of Natopo's scenario's on the forum. If I have at least one map sent to you say by, the 15th of January, will that be soon enough? I've been working on a few at the same time. I think I should finish one and then start the next. Just tell me what you guys think.:lsduel::usa: :usa:

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Guest Stan|SCN Punk

Please indicate your forum name when you email stuff to me. I am confused by the emails I got already. Thanks.

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