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Weapon Damage

Nikkos Tyris

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Now, In most games what can take place is if u slash ur enemy near their arm, their arm falls off, or if u cut somewhere near their center-mass, they end up with a slash mark or end up like poor Darth Maul, but what if ur hit landed near the enemy's hand or something like that? Could one of the possiblities be that instead of just them getting hurt, u cut the gunner's gun in half? Really, think about it, like in ROTJ, when Boba Fett shot that rope around Luke while they were in the Dune Sea, he was able to cut the line and later cut Boba Fett's blaster apart. Even though if feel this is a good idea it should have it's limits.


For instance some type of probability factor like only 1/20 times can that happen when u slash near the enemy's hand since in Multiplayer games it could be a hassle, but it gives Jedi's other options instead of always having to Force pull a weapon away and a probability factor could help the Gunner so that they don't have to worry about being left helpless when a Jedi cuts their gun in half. Maybe the weapon can even malfunction when this happens like the rail gun, it starts sparking and if u don't use the weapon drop key (also another idea) with in a matter of time, it will explode and kill u too. What do u think?

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I think that would be pretty cool, and help with some of the weapon-balancing issues. If you could saber throw to cut your opponent's weapon in half, especially heavy weapons, you might be able to give yourself a small breathing space. 1 in 20 doesn't sound enough though...maybe 1 in 10. That would keep everyone on their toes. ;)

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Nice idea. I hadn't thought of that.


It would definitely add a twist to the gameplay. It would make a Jedi more powerful in close combat against guns. However, I think this may be an idea that looks great on paper, but in practice can be a real nuisance. I'm not quite sure. I wouldn't mind if they put it in the game. They could always patch it so it happens less frequently or not at all.

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Hmmm... I also though this would be awesome feature and if cutting sidearms like BlasTech DL-44 in half turns out be too problematic, Raven made it that saber cuts arm instead in those cases, while with rocket launcher, for example, makes clean cut in half(perhaps launcher flies away from your opponents hand right away, so he/she doesn't have to drop it later).

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