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Reward missions..


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I had an idea. How about when you complete the game, you get a reward mission.

For example-

Complete the game on easy and you unlock Maul vs. Qui-Gon

Medium and Vader vs. Luke.

Hard-Duel of the Fates.


Obviously there could be more to this but I would like to fight out scenes from the films.

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I always thought that secret Peru map level in Infernal Machine was done with a good taste and perhaps something similar would work here: 1) Kyle examines abandoned Hoth Base which have now been inhabited by Wampas while searching for some lost map/part of machinery that New Republic desperately needs, 2) Kyle/Luke makes a short trip to Ben Kenobi's Hut on Tatooine(which is now swoop gang's gun storage) while searching for Obi-Wan's hide containing old Jedi holocron and finally 3) meeting with a New Republic spy in Mos Eisley cantina(Modal Notes playing on the background) that turns out to be Empire's trap and you start fighting againts stormies and crooks who rush in. So, these reward missions can easily be invented as sort of mini games examining the places that was only momentarily seen in the movies, but will always be remembered and this would be cool way to raise hat to familiar locations created by Lucas. :D

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I think it would be cool if you earn certain cheats like you could in GoldenEye.


So if you complete a certain level on a certain skill level and time, a new cheat will open up that you can use on an earlier mission. So you can have the 'cheap cheats' the easiest to get and the 'fun cool cheats' are the hardest ones.


Thats what made GoldenEye so popular.

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This is the best idea I've heard so far. :D


I really, really hated the "find secret areas to get Force stars" in JK/MotS. It was really, really lame and while the idea of secret areas was fun, it just took alot of the fun out of playing it, and detracted from the "realism".


But it would be really awesome to unlock a Duel of the Fates level, or Vader versus Luke. Or explore Hoth, or run through the Death Star as Han Solo. :D

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Yes, I too like the idea of having some reward missions. I don't mind exactly what, though.


Originally posted by Redwing

I really, really hated the "find secret areas to get Force stars" in JK/MotS. It was really, really lame and while the idea of secret areas was fun, it just took alot of the fun out of playing it, and detracted from the "realism".


I really enjoyed hunting down all of the secret areas in JK/MotS...and not just to gain Force stars. I do think some of the secrets were a bit lame, though, when you just find a health pack or something stuck in the middle of nowhere. I'd prefer to see secrets in the same vein as the original Dark Forces, where you get to explore secret chambers. And the secrets should make more sense. Of course, you could also have entire secret levels (one aspect I liked about QII), to find a secret weapon, or experimental armour, maybe. That in itself would be a greater reward than just finding some health boosts. :cool:

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Originally posted by StormHammer

"...Yes, I too like the idea of having some reward missions. I don't mind exactly what, though.


I really enjoyed hunting down all of the secret areas in JK/MotS...and not just to gain Force stars..."


hey, i like looking for secrets too. i like the bit in MotS when a Gonk leads you to the Concussion Rifle in the mission when you have to blow one of the rocks in space. (see Gonk. Gonks can be helpful. i dont why you hate them so much)

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