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Stan has become quite a cult figure here

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Guest Stan|SCN Punk

Thanks for your support :).


WC, here's a piece of advice for ya: Everyone n00b on Earth thinks his scenarios are the best, that's why they are n00b's. A guy can design for 3 years and still be a n00b.

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did I ever say I was making the best? NO! I am designing my first scenario now, it ain't great, I am just trying to make it, and here we have stan trying to rip anything I make into tiny pieces before it comes out! There isn't many ways to incorporate the battle of Hoth into a MP scenario. I think I have one, and I'm trying to use it. I don't care, I may actually leave this forum because of you, Stan. I am sick of this BS I keep getting from you. I simply say you ain't the best, and a lot of guys over at SCN punk are real jerks.

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Guest Stan|SCN Punk

You claim your scenario is better than TVS's scenario, when it got a 5.0 in SWGB and 4.0 in AOK (both very impressive), without even showing a screenshot (which means very little for a multi-player map). That, "dude", is arrogance. Arrogance is what makes a person a n00b and a novice. A novice wants to learn, a n00b wants to boast and leave after 3 days. Capiche?

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