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LOTR vs SW...its wrong

Guest Khameir_Sarin

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Guest Khameir_Sarin

I was just wondering, for i am a fan of both Lord of the Rings and Star Wars, if anyine else here likes BOTH of them. Or do all SW fans hate LOTR and LOTR fans hate SW?!

I think Star Wars is great science fiction

I think LOTR is great fantasy

-And if youve never read LOTR, but still hate it, you SUCK! Thats just as wrong as a LOTR fan who has never watched star wars!

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Guest Luke Skywalker

All SW fans should like LOTR as I have said before. They are the same story but in different contexts. Im a hugs fan of both. :D

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Guest Rogue15

Only reason why i like star wars is because it is Science Fiction. Like the ships and vehicles and weapons, those are more science fiction than fantasy.

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Guest DarkTrooper
Originally posted by Eets'chula

Yeah, I decided I'd see it even though it had one major shortcoming..



Elijah Wood.

yeah that kid pisses me of too. wasnt he in a very bad movie about a meteor tryin to hit earth. that movie sucked. it was a cheap take-off of Armageddon

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Ive heard some bad jokes about him too. There are tons of Anti-you know who sites, they all have hilarious jokes. :D Ill post a few appropriate ones.

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Guest Lord Tirion

LOTR and HP are not even in the same boat nor should they even be compared. LOTR is serious Dark Fantasy where as HP is mostly for kids and is light sided.


I don't think you are gonna see people getting limbs lopped off in an HP movie. ;)

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They ROCK!!!

But LOTR doesn't have a HUGE amount of books to read so I'm not into it as much as SW...


BTW, Harry Potter is pretty good reading...as for the movie...where in the WORLD did they get those actors!!! A friend of mine looks EXACTLY like Harry Potter from the covers of the books and he won't need any makeup to play the part!!!

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Guest ICP Ringmaster

LOTR is an awsome fantasy collestion..it has its own laugages ,species, time era, and everything. im curently reading The return of the king

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Im rereading the books for the fourth time, it is absolutely amazing how much you miss the first, second, and third times. :p

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