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Guest HVAC

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A drop list of selected units......If you guys ever played HW:C when you have a selected group of multiable units you get a drop list in the upper right hand corner hers an example:


7 artillery

8 jedi knights

5 air speeders

3 xwings

10 grenaders

20 troopers

3 anti air

you get the idea


That when you attack a base and say you run into a bunch of anti air turrets you easly select your air ships and back them off with out slowing the attack..


Is there such a thing? I know you can pick them out of the window but when its full its hard and then only 1 at a time?

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If there pics of different units at the bottom of the screen, simply shift+leftclick on one type to select all of it's kind .


You can also double-click on a unit to select all of it's kind !!!


And finally you can make groups (I myself would never be so silly as to put air/ground units in the same group ):D

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Guest Admiral Odin

That is actually easier, since you don't have to look for the unit just hit the number of its group.


I think it improves tactics as you then can change a strategy as needed when something unknown happens. Makes it a little harder to, since you can't kill the enemy entirely if there week point retreats.

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