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Your input: can Compa_Mighty still run ?


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hi all,


just got word that Compa_Mighty's schedule allows him to run for Senator after all..


Now here's a bit of a dilemma: Compa_Mighty is one of the longest-present forummers around, and wanted to run all along. Only his school-schedule and stuff didn't allow it when things got down to voting. This seems to be resolved now.


We're just past the halfway-point in voting; officially, there's no more nominees accepted. In this case, i do however feel inclined to make an exception, but have the poll run shorter than the regular 7 days (to about 4 days) to not let the whole process be delayed by one nominee..

Does that sound like a fair compromise in this situation ?

Your based, flame-less and responsible arguments please.. ;)

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In order to compensate for Compa's late entry, his poll would be shortened to a four-day-run. That way, when all other polls are done, you don't have to wait a long time for his poll to end as well and have the final result. It's basically a fair compensation for a late entry, but keep in mind that it's not an open door for anyone to get in; Compa announced he was running a long time ago; circumstances got in the way, which is why i'm trying to figure this out.

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Guest Sherack Nhar

I'm all with that. It's going to be thougher for him since he won't have as much time as the other would-be senators concerning the voting process - but like you said, it's a fair trade.

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ok, Compa_Mighty's ballot is now up in the Senate forum.


A quick and very important reminder:


DO NOT start new threads in the Senate-forum on the voting; we want to keep all ballots on the same page.


DO NOT reply to the ballots. Just vote on their polls. I just deleted another reply. The rules are crystal clear, folks..

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Guest Lord Tirion

Just got back from my hockey game so sorry if this has already been decided but this is my opinion on the matter:


I am all for it. I think a strong community needs its history and loyalty to members who have stuck it out from day 1. Communities which do not care for its members is a dead community.

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