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The reason why zone players are "good"

Guest PhantomMenace

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Guest PhantomMenace

I just got done playing this idiot on the zone right and he rushes...now he's building slightly faster than me and i still cannot fathom this...so he starts rushing and i hold my ground and while doing so i mount a huge asault on his base. Being a rusher he had absoultely no defenses and his base was rubble in a couple a seconds. Here's where it gets good...Ok, i destroyed every last building and housing he had including a few houses he had built after his base got razed. So all he has left is 2 fortresses that he tried the old "castle" rush on me with. I get ready to attack these two castles and out of nowhere this guy gets like 20 bounty hunters all instantaneously and he has no housing at all...either one...fortresses provide you housing...or two he cheated somehow....now a lot of these guys on the zone proclaim themselves just "good" when they hit tech 3 in like 10 mins, but i knew there had to be some kinda trainer or 3rd party software of the like behind it.. By the way in case you are wondering when the game was over, he had no housing hidden in the darkness anywhere! As soon as i accused him of cheating he suddenly stopped gettin bounty hunters(cuz the only building he had left was 2 fortress) out of the sky...he had at least 17-20 bounty hunters with no housing! I would like to warn players that get on the zone, cuz i know there some kinda **** goin on in that place...its a bug, or a trainer or something! So all these fools that get on there saying im good im betting what he's really saying is that i gotta good cheat of some sort!

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Darth_Rommel

I think each castle provide you with 25 population slots :)


Really? I never noticed that, and i don't think Castles add to your population limit. You can garrison troops in there, but if you don't have housing, it still doesn't do you any good.

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When people cheat, it really detracts from the game. Remeber the big fuss that the cheat trainer made in AOK? I sure hope that this poor bastard wasn't cheating (What was his zone name, btw?) because we could very well see a repeat of what happened with AOK.

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the teribble thing is there will always be cheaters oin the ZSone or anywhere else you play. Most likely this guy did cheat somehow. Do you recall that the cheat codes where on? Most likely that could be the case. lately i've been seeing rooms. that has cheating available and high resources and silly stuff like that.


As for fortresses adding pop count. They add 10 almost like TC's add five. Was it one on one? Or did he have a partner sendin him resources? In all likelyhood he could have made 17-20 Bounty hunters because each Fortress adds 10 to the pop.

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Guest dr_death


if he made the houses first and then the b. hunters then the bounty hunters wont just die!

what did this guy do to cheat?

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Probably he had created them and garrisoned them in the Fortresses. Then you killed his houses, and he sent them to attack your force. He probably couldn't build more because of no more resoures/housing.


Simple, really.


Secondly: There is currently no known trainer for the AoK engine. The chance some random zoner has a trainer, especially for a DEMO, is very, very low. Because of the way the game engine stores variables in memory, it is almost impossible to crack.


Just because people are better than you DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE CHEATING.


If you want to see if cheats are on, just bring up the objectives screen and check the game settings.

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Guest dlayers

He did NOT cheat.


The fortresses are just like prefab shelters, only with weapons and the ability to create units.


He built the bounty hunters with the fortresses.


They gave him around a 50 unit limit and whatever resources he had already collected allowed him to build them.


Also don't automatically assume someone cheats because you can't figure it out...and especially don't accuse someone of cheating unless you know for sure.

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Guest PhantomMenace

I dont recall seeing the little emblem that shows up when you have units garrissoned in a building. I thought long and hard about that and i just dont recall ever seeing that...also, Aoerat you trying to say im complaining about somebody beign better than me, if you would have fully and comprehensivly read the post then you would know that it was i who won. I dont care what anybody says i know there's gotta be a trainer or an exploitation bug for this game of sort...just cuz its not posted on the internet for download doesnt mean it doesnt exist...A friend of mine told me about the savegame editor for Diablo II and Fallout Tactics way before they posted for people to download. Yes it was a one on one game, and i do know what you're talking about one guy being the resource/trade mule, while hte other guy rushes.

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It's already been said but garrisoned or already made units wont be killed off just because you killed the houses he already made those units. Also two fortresses can hold 20 and .. ya ya ya.. its already been said. What I really wanted to comment on was this getting to tech 3 in 10 minutes is cheating nonsense.. get your micromanaging build orders correct and that's not impossible thats the norm. Thank you. Good night.

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PhantomMenace: My statement was directed at everyone.


Secondly, the chance of cracking SWGB to cheat is nil. No one ever created a trainer for multiplayer AoK that could do what you said. Thousands of people played it online. Much fewer play the SWGB demo. It is simply not rational to assume that they cheated.



All: If you are concerned about cheating, always record your games. Then you can see exactly what each player did.

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Cheating online is a big issue and can only be resolved afterwards, unfortunately.

Some trainers, like AOK's 'reveal-map' trainer stirred things up for a short while, but got annihilated with the patch.


In short: it will never be totally erased, but let's keep the community growing by playing as fair as we can here.

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if it han't all ready been cleared up, the guy didn't cheat. he made them until he ran out of resources. the fortrestes added housing. then when u said you accse him of cheating, he ran out. he just ran out of reasorces. really simple. no cheating envoled. i thought you guys were better players than that.

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