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YOUR scenario.

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Guest Admiral Odin

I do it with my action fleet toys :D


My first scenario will be similar to Belavis (Planet in the Children of the Jedi)


The bases will be snom, with pockets of tropical Jungle. It would be the Imps. vs Rebs.


that or. the TF discovered that queen Amidala is on Tatoonie, and sent a few Droids to capture her. You play the part of the Naboo, You will control Qui Gon, Amildala, and some Naboo soldiers.


A large part will be in mos espa you have to reach the outskirts and get to your ship.

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Will you ever grow up? :rolleyess:



Here's mine:


Battle Arena- You start in a huge enclosed arena. You are in control of 11 AT-AT's- Your mission destroy the 38 hidden Jar Jars randomly spread around the map (1138!). Once you succeed the entire bombad gungan army will break through the walls. Luckily reinforcments of TIE fighters were sent (Yippeee!), destroy the gungan army and break through the battle arena's walls. Now you must destroy the gungans once and for all find their town and kill them all. :D :D

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Originally posted by Darth_Rommel


Will you ever grow up? :rolleyess ;)


(I already have I'm 6.4ft tall ;) )


Are you telling me you wouldn't do the same thing if you had over 100 ground units alone...(space...might be 100+ too I'm not sure)

--------------------:D :D :D---------------------------


I like your scenario Rommel. I'm impressed you wrote that much:D

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Guest Boba Rhett

Pfft. I could still kick his a**. :cool:

<--------(6ft 5in)


I have a feeling most scenarios made will have something to do with hunting, killing and eating Jar Jar Binks. I know mine will...

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rommel, cool scenario. like leon, i'm waiting to reenact that hoth scenario. they actually have a picture of it on pcgamer (june edition). talk about a multitude of units!


fergie, what is 6.4 ft tall? (is that 4 inches or are you 6 and 2/5 of an inch tall?) i'm 6'1 and a former football cornerback, so i don't know about kicking someone else's gluteus maximus;)

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ok folks, drop the height issue now.. this is a scenario thread. (and yes, I know Kluivert :D )


I imagine the Hoth scenario being about five missions: first kicking pirates off the planet to establish the base, then explore and wasting indeginous life, and finally trying to stop the Imp invasion in several missions.

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okay, in my special scenario, i will make patrick kluivert and give him the ultimate weapon: a soccer ball!


just kidding leon. anyhow, since taun tauns will be in the game i may come up with han riding on one and looking for luke. on the way he'll run into wampas and has to get thru them to rescue luke. once luke is rescued, he'll lead a squadron of snowspeeders against a force of AT-AT's trying to destroy, you guessed it, the shield generator!

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Guest Darth_Venage

yeah, I'd make one where you have to rescue Yoda from the empire, then the Trade Federation attacks, and then Naboo comes to reinforce, then the gungans and wookies start fighting. Oh wait. No, I'd probably have one to where you have to find Luke in a cloud-city setting, with the Falcon, and fight off Ties.

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Originally posted by Darth_Venage

No, I'd probably have one to where you have to find Luke in a cloud-city setting, with the Falcon, and fight off Ties.


Ahh that helps on a new campaign I was thinking about. Thanks.


(p.s.- Going to make three major campaigns...New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi)

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Guest Hannibal

I'm gonna make one wear Vader, Boba Fett and a bunch of other Bounty Hunters hunt down and kill Jedi. Also another one where the Jedi battle the Sith.

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Guest DarkNight

I am a Master Jedi at make AoK senarios! (ever heard of sword blood? or Pyramid blood?) Yes! I made those! Anyway getting to the subject.... My senario would be an elaborate Endor battle (RotJ) Where your the Imperial or maybe the Rebels..... hmmmmm... anyway if your where the Imperial you would have to fight the rebels and the ewoks in the forest and in the bunker. And if you where the rebels it would be a recreation of the Endor Battle. Well thats all i have to say except to lucasarts: PLEASE MAKE AN ATTACK OF THE CLONES EXPANSION!!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!:ball::fett: :fett: :fett: :fett: :fett: :fett: :fett:

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Guest ESE SithLord

Well I have thought of mine but I have serval But I guess Ill tell ya one of them .



Imperials vs. Rebels huge Air to Air combat fight

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Guest Emp_Palpatine

MUahahha what i would do is a ULTIMaTE JEDI BATTLe


Darth Vader vs Palpatine vs Mara Jade vs Darth Maul vs Luke Skywalker vs Leia Organa!!!!!!


Or this:


recreate the same kind of missions like the ones in Rogue Squadron!


ex. The Jade Moon: Go through a canyon with a x-wing squadron :x-wing:and attempt to destroy the shield generator (protected by At-Pts and turrets and stormtroopers and ties :tie: , u name it) while mech transports go to a place and rescue ppl!!!

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Well, my main idea is the Desert), but here are some more simple ones:


I got this idea from the above posts: Beggars Canyon: A large canyon that is basically a labyrinth. It's multiplayer, and you have to find the fastest route trough it to beat the others.


Also, a Cloud city labyrinth where you are to reach the Falcon before she is impounded, while avoiding imperial troopers.

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