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YOUR scenario.

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Guest sirathos

Well I have many i will create.


First : the great gungan .vs. Tf battle, you know the battle on naboo to distract the tf from the main city. That has potential for a good multiplayer map 1v1 anyway.


Second : Make base for the TF and have them defend against a siege from the gungans and naboo! The base will be set up nice defensivley but have limited resources and the gungans and naboo have resouces designated and have a few military building such as troops and mech and heavy and air. Has potential if done right


Third : Take a nice forest map and call it yavin 4 and make the rebels set up to defend a monument and call it the massassi ruins. And have the imps trying to get the ruins, you could set the game up for the player to play either side bot would be fun.

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I have a campaign idea: Here goes:


It is 10 years since the Imperial defeat at Endor. The New Republic is a strong political entity in the galaxy.. The planet Naboo is a member of the New Republic. Naboo is now run by various military Generals. The New Republic's policys displease the military Dictatrors of Naboo, who have declared war on the Gungans after several years of peace.. Meanwhilst, the Imperial Warlord Admiral Eman Sdrawkcab is hitting various targets in New Republic territory and has found the ruins of a once pround Imperial project.. All this will result in a very big ass war..


So its divided into four sub-campaigns..


C1- Naboo.. Fight Gungans and Rebels


C2- Imperials- Fight Rebels and ally with Naboo


C3-Gungans- Fight Naboo and Imperials


C4- Rebels- Three very big battles against the Naboo-Imperial alliance.. Last mission you get Wookie and Gungan bases

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If characters like Mara Jade are in it, then I might have a go at creating a scenario from near the end of Heir to the Empire where Luke crashes as he tries to escape, and then so does Mara, they both have to make their way with R2 through the forest fighting off beasts and stormtrooper before meeting up with Han, Lando and some others to defeat, well something, or maybe just have them reach the millenium falcon, but until I see the toybox units and the scenario editor it's just going to have to be a little vague :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there some site that host all the map packs we make for DL?



I want to make a map where being the reb's you have fight through huge imperal army with luke to a camp where Vader is waiting in a type of arena for the ultimate duel luke must survive and for any hope of winning be at perfect health somin like that anyhoo.......Basicaly i big battle leading to awsome duel...

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  • 2 weeks later...

you would start out as Darth Vader :vadar: in his ship in a cornor of the map. You can see a gang of X wings :wedge: going to Attack Your Army. Your goal is to get there before they can and knock them out! When you get there you have time to recruit an army when you are attacked by Luke and the gang. There you and luke get to have the final battle! :lsduel:

:lightning: If he kills you you will get a new recruit. and if he dies so does he. :ben::duel:

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